

我在我的orbeon应用程序上使用表单身份验证设置了 j_security_check ,它运行正常。 Orbeon位于URL 。

I set up j_security_check with form authentication on my orbeon app and it works fine. Orbeon is under URL https://localhost:8444/orbeon/.

问题是我在我的jsp页面中嵌入了orbeon API,该页面位于URL

The problem is that I have embedded orbeon API in my jsp page which is under URLhttps://localhost:8444/BackOffice/form.jsp. On this page I display some orbeon form and when I try to go to this jsp page login page pop up instead.

我将cookie路径更改为 / (而不是 / orbeon )在web.xml中:

I changed the cookie path to / (instead of /orbeon) in web.xml:



but it didn't help. I'm still facing the same problem.


When I look at the HTTP requests I can see that when I'm trying to reach the JSP page, an HTTP request with 2 JSESSIONIDs is issued (one for orbeon, one for backoffice), so everything should works fine but it doesn't.


Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?


通过嵌入,我假设您指的是。如果是这种情况,最终用户永远不应该直接点击 / orbeon ,假设这是部署Orbeon Forms的地方。相反,他们应该浏览你的应用程序,其中包括Orbeon Forms生成的表格。

By embedding, I assume that you're referring to the Form Runner Java Embedding API. If that is the case, end-users should never be hitting /orbeon directly, assuming is this where Orbeon Forms is deployed. Instead they should go through your app, which includes the form produced by Orbeon Forms.


09-12 18:46