


I have a requirement to attach a PDF file with a form created by using Orbeon Form builder. Is there an inbuilt form builder control which I can use for this and please help me to retrieve the attached PDF file when the Orbeon form is submitted.


用户提交表单后,Orbeon表单可以运行流程.此过程可以使用 send()操作,以将用户输入的数据通过HTTP POST发送到您提供的服务.

Upon users submitting the form, Orbeon Forms can run a process you define. This process can use the send() action to have the data entered by users sent through an HTTP POST to a service you provide.

如果文件附加到表单,则您的服务接收的数据将包含一个或多个指向Orbeon表单的URL.然后,您的服务可以使用这些URL来检索附件.因此,您的服务可以将这些调用返回给Orbeon Forms并检索文件,因此需要授权这样做.

If files were attached to the form, the data your service receives will contain one or multiple URLs pointing back to Orbeon Forms. Your service can then use those URLs to retrieve the attachments. So your service can make those calls back to Orbeon Forms and retrieve the files, it will be need to be authorized to do so.


09-16 00:10