

如何从SyntaxNet( https: //github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/syntaxnet )?我看到了对依赖关系解析的描述...对如何训练模型的描述,但没有关于如何获得依赖关系解析输出的描述.

How do you get a dependency parse (not syntax tree) output from SyntaxNet (https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/syntaxnet) ? I see a description of dependency parsing...a description of how to train a model, but not how to get dependency parse output.

SyntaxNet(特别是Parsey McParseface模型)是否甚至可以立即进行依赖项解析?

Does SyntaxNet (Specifically the Parsey McParseface model) even do dependency parsing out of the box?


--arg_prefix brain_parser传递给parser_eval.py应该可以解决问题.但这需要将标记的输出作为输入.

Passing --arg_prefix brain_parser to the parser_eval.py should do the trick. But this requires the tagged output to be fed as input.


Here's an example where the first pass tags the words and the second pass resolves dependencies:

echo 'The quick brown fox ran over the lazy dog.' | bazel-bin/syntaxnet/parser_eval \
--input stdin \
--output stdout-conll \
--model syntaxnet/models/parsey_mcparseface/tagger-params \
--task_context syntaxnet/models/parsey_mcparseface/context.pbtxt \
--hidden_layer_sizes 64 \
--arg_prefix brain_tagger \
--graph_builder structured \
--slim_model \
--batch_size 1024 | bazel-bin/syntaxnet/parser_eval \
--input stdin-conll \
--output stdout-conll \
--hidden_layer_sizes 512,512 \
--arg_prefix brain_parser \
--graph_builder structured \
--task_context syntaxnet/models/parsey_mcparseface/context.pbtxt \
--model_path syntaxnet/models/parsey_mcparseface/parser-params \
--slim_model --batch_size 1024


1       The     _       DET     DT      _       4       det     _       _
2       quick   _       ADJ     JJ      _       4       amod    _       _
3       brown   _       ADJ     JJ      _       4       amod    _       _
4       fox     _       NOUN    NN      _       5       nsubj   _       _
5       ran     _       VERB    VBD     _       0       ROOT    _       _
6       over    _       ADP     IN      _       5       prep    _       _
7       the     _       DET     DT      _       9       det     _       _
8       lazy    _       ADJ     JJ      _       9       amod    _       _
9       dog     _       NOUN    NN      _       6       pobj    _       _
10      .       _       .       .       _       5       punct   _       _


09-12 18:41