


I'm looking for some guidance with regards to the bulk provisioning of GreengrassGroups, Cores, Certificates.

在Greengrass的定价文档中> https://aws.amazon.com/greengrass/pricing/它说:

In the pricing documentation for Greengrass https://aws.amazon.com/greengrass/pricing/ it says:

在类似的情况下-成千上万的Core设备坐在商店的架子上等待购买-在购买之前,需要在AWS控制面板中为每台设备创建Greengrass Group和Core-还是有可能随手什么时候对Greengrass Core设备进行某种即时调配?

In a similar scenario - thousands of Core devices sitting on a shelf in a shop waiting to be purchased - would one need to create Greengrass Group and Core in the AWS control panel for each device prior to purchase - or is it possible to do some sort of Just In Time provisioning of Greengrass Core devices as they come on-board?

此外,AWS Greengrass组/核心上是否有服务限制.我没有发现任何提及极限的东西,所以我假设没有.

Also, is there a Service Limit on AWS Greengrass Groups / Cores. I've not found anything that mentions a limit, so I'm assuming not.


我刚刚完成了GrassFormation,您可能对此很感兴趣.将其安装到您的帐户后,它允许您从CloudFormation堆栈中配置Greengrass组和相关资源(核心,函数定义,资源,记录器等).试试看: https://github.com/Neosperience/GrassFormation

I’ve just finished GrassFormation that might be of your interest. After installing it onto your account it allows you to provision Greengrass group and associated resources (cores, function definitions, resources, loggers, etc.) from a CloudFormation stack. Give it a try: https://github.com/Neosperience/GrassFormation


09-12 17:56