

我下载了 WN-影响.但是,我不确定如何使用它来检测句子的语气.例如,如果我有一个字符串我讨厌足球".我希望能够检测出情绪是否不好,情绪是否是恐惧. WN-Affect没有有关如何执行此操作的教程,我对python还是陌生的.任何帮助都会很棒!

I downloaded WN-Affect. I am however not sure how to use it to detect the mood of a sentence. For example if I have a string "I hate football." I want to be able to detect whether the mood is bad and the emotion is fear. WN-Affect has no tutorial on how to do it, and I am kind of new to python. Any help would be great!


简而言之:改用SentiWordNet并查看 https://github.com/kevincobain2000/sentiment_classifier

In short: Use SentiWordNet instead and look at https://github.com/kevincobain2000/sentiment_classifier



情感和情感之间的界线很好.人们应该研究语言学研究中的Affectedness,例如 http://compling.hss.ntu.edu.sg/events/2014-ws-affectedness /Sentiment Analysis在计算研究中.现在,我们将识别情感和情感的任务称为情感分析.

The line between affect and sentiment is very fine. One should looking into Affectedness in linguistics studies, e.g. http://compling.hss.ntu.edu.sg/events/2014-ws-affectedness/ and Sentiment Analysis in computational researches. For now, let's call both the task of identifying affect and sentiment, sentiment analysis.

还请注意,与SentiWordNet( http://sentiwordnet.isti.cnr.it)相比,WN-Affect是一个相当古老的资源. /.

Also note that WN-Affect is a rather old resource compared to SentiWordNet, http://sentiwordnet.isti.cnr.it/.

这里是使用SentiWordNet进行情感分析的好资源: https://github.com/kevincobain2000/sentiment_classifier .

情感分析通常只有两个类别,即positivenegative情感. WN影响使用11种类型的受影响标签:

Often sentiment analysis has only two classes, positive or negative sentiment. Whereas the WN-affect uses 11 types of affectedness labels:

  • 情感
  • 心情
  • 特征
  • 认知状态
  • 身体状态
  • 享乐信号
  • 引发情感
  • 情感反应
  • 行为
  • 态度
  • 感觉
  • emotion
  • mood
  • trait
  • cognitive state
  • physical state
  • hedonic signal
  • emotion-eliciting
  • emotional response
  • behaviour
  • attitude
  • sensation


For each type, there are multiple classes, see https://github.com/larsmans/wordnet-domains-sentiwords/blob/master/wn-domains/wn-affect-1.1/a-hierarchy.xml


To answer the question of how one can use the WN-Affect, there're several things you need to do:


First map WN1.6 to WN3.0 (it's not an easy task, you have to do several mappings, especially the mapping between 2.0-2.1)


Now using the WN-Affect with WN3.0, you can apply

  • 与SentiWordNet情感分类器相同的分类技术,或
  • 尝试最大化文本中的类,然后使用一些启发式方法选择正"/负"


09-27 08:04