


Does anyone know the easiest way to extract only nouns from a body of text?


I've heard about the TreeTagger tool and I tried giving it a shot but couldn't get it to work for some reason.




 import org.annolab.tt4j.*;
TreeTaggerWrapper tt = new TreeTaggerWrapper();

try { tt.setModel("/Nouns/english.par");

tt.setHandler(new TokenHandler() {
     void token(String token, String pos, String lemma) {
     System.out.println(token+"\t"+pos+"\t"+lemma); } });
     tt.process(words); // words = list of words

     } finally { tt.destroy();


That is my code, English is the language. I was getting the error : The type new TokenHandler(){} must implement the inherited abstract method TokenHandler.token. Am I doing something wrong?


首先,您必须对文本进行标记。这可能看起来微不足道(在任何空格分裂可能对你有用)但正式情况下它更难。然后你必须决定什么是名词。 停车场是否包含一个名词(停车场),两个名词(汽车,公园)或一个名词(公园)和一个形容词(汽车)?这是一个很难的问题,但是如果没有它,你可能会再次成功。

First you will have to tokenize your text. This may seem trivial (split at any whitespace may work for you) but formally it is harder. Then you have to decide what is a noun. Does "the car park" contain one noun (car park), two nouns (car, park) or one noun (park) and one adjective (car)? This is a hard problem, but again you may be able to get by without it.


Does "I saw the xyzzy" identify a noun not in a dictionary? The word "the" probably identifies xyzzy as a noun.

时间过得像箭头中的名词在哪里。与像香蕉一样的果蝇相比(感谢Groucho Marx)。

Where are the nouns in "time flies like an arrow". Compare with "fruit flies like a banana" (thanks to Groucho Marx).

我们使用Brown tagger(Java)()(opennlp.tools.lang.english.PosTagger; opennlp。 上的tools.postag.POSDictionary用普通英语查找名词和我建议从那开始 - 它为你做了大部分的思考。否则请查看任何POSTaggers

We use the Brown tagger (Java) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_Corpus) in the OpenNLP toolkit (opennlp.tools.lang.english.PosTagger; opennlp.tools.postag.POSDictionary on http://opennlp.sourceforge.net/) to find nouns in normal English and I'd recommend starting with that - it does most of your thinking for you. Otherwise look at any of the POSTaggers(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POS_tagger) or (http://www-nlp.stanford.edu/links/statnlp.html#Taggers).


There is a very full list of NLP toolkits in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_language_processing_toolkits. I would strongly suggest you use one of those rather than trying to match against Wordnet or other collections.


09-12 16:00