func unmarshalJSON(in [] byte, s接口{})错误
...和 encoding / json
$ pre $ func解组($ [$ byte $ v $ interface $ {$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ b
package main
FUNC unmarshalYAML(在[]字节,s接口{})错误{
var result map [interface {}] interface {}
err:= yaml.Unmarshal(in,& result)$ b $ = cleanUpInterfaceMap(result)
// s是印刷按预期
fmt.Println(S)//地图[aoeu:[测试aoeu] oaeu:地图[mahl:aoec TASE:aoeu]]]
func cleanUpInterfaceArray(in [] interface {})[] interface {} {$ b $ out:= make([] interface {},len(in))
for i,v :=范围在{
out [i] = cleanUpMapValue(v)
func cleanUpInterfaceMap(在map [interface { }] interface {}} map [string] interface {} {
out:= make(map [string] interface {})
for k,v:= range in {
out [ fmt.Sprintf(%v,k)] = cleanUpMapValue(v)
func cleanUpMapValue(v interface {})interface {} {
switch v:= v。(type){
case [] interface { }:
return cleanUpInterfaceArray(v)
case map [interface {}] interface {}:
return fmt.Sprintf(%v,v)
func main(){
s:= make (map [string] interface {})
b:= [] byte(`---
- test
- aoeu
oaeu:$ b $ !b - {TASE:aoeu,mahl:aoec}
错误:= unmarshalYAML(b,&安培; S)
如果ERR =零{
// s仍为空映射
fmt.Println(s)// map []
这个想法是将YAML解组为 map [string] interface {}
(而不是 map [interface {}] interface {}
)是为了允许序列化为JSON(其中标识符需要是字符串)。 unmarshalYAML
函数应该提供与 yaml.Unmarshal
内的 unmarshalJSON()
函数参数 s
s =结果
既然你希望它能够改变一个 * map [string] interface {}
,这就是你传递给它的方法,你可以使用一个简单的来从中获取地图指针,并将该指针传递给 json.Unmarshal()
func unmarshalJSON(in [] byte,s interface {})error {
if m,ok:= s (*图[字符串]接口{}); !$ {
return errors.New(Expecting * map [string] interface {})
} else {
return json.Unmarshal(in,m)
另外请注意,这是完全不必要的,因为也被定义为将目标作为类型 interface {}
func unmarshalJSON(in [] byte,s interface { })error {
return json.Unmarshal(in,s)
有趣的是, unmarshalJSON()的签名
和库函数 json.Unmarshal()
func unmarshalJSON(in [] byte,s interface {})错误
// json包
func Unmarshal(data []字节,v接口{})错误
这意味着还有另一种选择,那就是你可以使用名为 unmarshalJSON
的变量,只是简单地分配函数值 json.Unmarshal
var unmarshalJSON func([] byte ,interface {})error = json.Unmarshal
现在你有一个变量 unmarshalJSON
err:= unmarshalJSON(b,& s)
现在开始您的 unmarshalYAML()
在 unmarshalYAML()
$ p $ s = cleanUpInterfaceMap(result)
这只会改变本地 s
变量(参数)的值,并且不会填充映射(指针)传递给 unmarshalYAML()
使用上面详述的类型断言技术从 s
interface {}
func unmarshalYAML(in [] byte,s interface { )错误{
var dest * map [string] interface {}
var ok bool
如果dest,ok = s(* map [string] interface {}); !ok {
return errors.New(Expecting * map [string] interface {})
var result map [interface {}] interface {}
if err:= yaml.Unmarshal(in,& result); err!= nil {
return err
m:= cleanUpInterfaceMap(result)
// m保存结果,dest是传递给我们的指针,
* dest = m
return nil
The following code does not exactly do what expected:https://play.golang.org/p/sO4w4I_Lle
I assume that I mess up some pointer/reference stuff as usual, however I expect my...
func unmarshalJSON(in []byte, s interface{}) error
... and encoding/json
func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error
...to behave the same way (eg. update the referenced passed as second argument).
The example above is a minimal reproducer that does not make much sense. This is in order to make it work on the playground. However, an less minimal example that does make sense is this:
package main
import (
func unmarshalYAML(in []byte, s interface{}) error {
var result map[interface{}]interface{}
err := yaml.Unmarshal(in, &result)
s = cleanUpInterfaceMap(result)
// s is printed as expected
fmt.Println(s) // map[aoeu:[test aoeu] oaeu:[map[mahl:aoec tase:aoeu]]]
return err
func cleanUpInterfaceArray(in []interface{}) []interface{} {
out := make([]interface{}, len(in))
for i, v := range in {
out[i] = cleanUpMapValue(v)
return out
func cleanUpInterfaceMap(in map[interface{}]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
out := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range in {
out[fmt.Sprintf("%v", k)] = cleanUpMapValue(v)
return out
func cleanUpMapValue(v interface{}) interface{} {
switch v := v.(type) {
case []interface{}:
return cleanUpInterfaceArray(v)
case map[interface{}]interface{}:
return cleanUpInterfaceMap(v)
case string:
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
func main() {
s := make(map[string]interface{})
b := []byte(`---
- test
- aoeu
- { tase: aoeu, mahl: aoec}
err := unmarshalYAML(b, &s)
if err != nil {
// s is still an empty map
fmt.Println(s) // map[]
The idea is to unmarshal YAML to map[string]interface{}
(instead of map[interface{}]interface{}
) is order to allow to serialize to JSON (where identifiers need to be strings). The unmarshalYAML
function should provide the same func signture as yaml.Unmarshal
Using Type assertion
Inside your unmarshalJSON()
function the parameter s
behaves like a local variable. When you assign something to it:
s = result
It will only change the value of the local variable.
Since you want it to work with changing the value of a *map[string]interface{}
and that is what you pass to it, you could use a simple type assertion to obtain the map pointer from it, and pass this pointer to json.Unmarshal()
func unmarshalJSON(in []byte, s interface{}) error {
if m, ok := s.(*map[string]interface{}); !ok {
return errors.New("Expecting *map[string]interface{}")
} else {
return json.Unmarshal(in, m)
Try your modified, working example on the Go Playground.
Just passing it along
Also note that however this is completely unnecessary as json.Unmarshal()
is also defined to take the destination as a value of type interface{}
, the same thing you have. So you don't even have to do anything just pass it along:
func unmarshalJSON(in []byte, s interface{}) error {
return json.Unmarshal(in, s)
Try this on the Go Playground.
With a variable of function type
As an interesting thing note that the signature of your unmarshalJSON()
and the library function json.Unmarshal()
is identical:
// Yours:
func unmarshalJSON(in []byte, s interface{}) error
// json package
func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error
This means there is another option, that is you could use a variable named unmarshalJSON
of a function type, and just simply assign the function value json.Unmarshal
var unmarshalJSON func([]byte, interface{}) error = json.Unmarshal
Now you have a variable unmarshalJSON
which is of function type, and you can call it as if it would be a function:
err := unmarshalJSON(b, &s)
Try this function value on the Go Playground.
Now on to your unmarshalYAML()
In your unmarshalYAML()
you do the same mistake:
s = cleanUpInterfaceMap(result)
This will only change the value of your local s
variable (parameter), and it will not "populate" the map (pointer) passed to unmarshalYAML()
Use the type assertion technique detailed above to obtain the pointer from the s
argument, and once you have that, you can change the pointed object (the "outside" map).
func unmarshalYAML(in []byte, s interface{}) error {
var dest *map[string]interface{}
var ok bool
if dest, ok = s.(*map[string]interface{}); !ok {
return errors.New("Expecting *map[string]interface{}")
var result map[interface{}]interface{}
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(in, &result); err != nil {
return err
m := cleanUpInterfaceMap(result)
// m holds the results, dest is the pointer that was passed to us,
// we can just set the pointed object (map):
*dest = m
return nil