我阅读的排列我感兴趣的排名/ unranking方法。
I'm reading about permutations and I'm interested in ranking/unranking methods.
排名功能的排列上的N个符号分配一个唯一的 在区间[0整数,n! - 1]〜上述n的!排列。相应的 unranking功能是逆:给定0到n之间的整数! - 1, 该函数的值是有这个级别的置换。
我做了一个排名和unranking功能在C ++中使用next_permutation。但是,这是不实际的对于n> 8。我在找一个更快的方法和 factoradics 似乎颇为流行。但我不知道这是否也适用于重复。那么,什么是与重复排列/ unrank排列好办法?
I made a ranking and an unranking function in C++ using next_permutation. But this isn't practical for n>8. I'm looking for a faster method and factoradics seem to be quite popular.But I'm not sure if this also works with duplicates. So what would be a good way to rank/unrank permutations with duplicates?
One way is to rank and unrank the choice of indices by a particular group of equal numbers, e.g.,
def choose(n, k):
c = 1
for f in xrange(1, k + 1):
c = (c * (n - f + 1)) // f
return c
def rank_choice(S):
k = len(S)
r = 0
j = k - 1
for n in S:
for i in xrange(j, n):
r += choose(i, j)
j -= 1
return r
def unrank_choice(k, r):
S = []
for j in xrange(k - 1, -1, -1):
n = j
while r >= choose(n, j):
r -= choose(n, j)
n += 1
return S
def rank_perm(P):
P = list(P)
r = 0
for n in xrange(max(P), -1, -1):
S = []
for i, p in enumerate(P):
if p == n:
for i in S:
del P[i]
r *= choose(len(P) + len(S), len(S))
r += rank_choice(S)
return r
def unrank_perm(M, r):
P = []
for n, m in enumerate(M):
S = unrank_choice(m, r % choose(len(P) + m, m))
r //= choose(len(P) + m, m)
for i in S:
P.insert(i, n)
return tuple(P)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in xrange(60):
print rank_perm(unrank_perm([2, 3, 1], i))