本文介绍了整数变量中有多少位是'1'?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 嗨伙计们, 我想找一个更有效的方法来计算多少位是 ''1''整数变量?。 我仍​​然不知道除了使用循环和if 语句之外的位数。 您能否知道其他更有效的方式? Cuthbert int main(无效) { int var = 0xFF0F; int i,count = 0; int mask = 1; for(i = 0; i< sizeof(int)* 8; i ++) if(mask<< i& var)count ++; printf("%d \ n",count); 返回0; } 解决方案 将int分成字节并使用查找表。 - Thomas M. Sommers - tm*@nj.net - AB2SB TM Sommers发布: 将int分成几个字节并使用查找表。 我肯定有比这更好的方法......甚至可能是一个表达式 产生一个编译时常量。也许类似于: #define UINT_BITS_SET(x)\ !!((x)& 1U)+ !!((x)& 1U<< ; 1)+ !!((x)& 1U<<<< 2)+ !!((x)& 1U<<<<<<<<<<<<<"> &安培; 1U<< 4)+ !!((X)及1U<&δ)+ !!((X)及1U<&10 6)+ !!((X)及1U<< ; 7)\ + !!((x)& 1U<< 8)+ !!((x)& 1U<< 9)+ !!((x) & 1U<< 10)+ !!((x)& 1U<< 11)\ + !!((x)& 1U<< 12)+! !((x)& 1U<< 13)+ !!((x)& 1U<< 14)+ !!((x)& 1U<< 15)\ + !!((x)& 1U<< 16)+ !!((x)& 1U<< 17)+ !!((x)& 1U<< 18)+! !((x)& 1U<< 19)\ + !!((x)& 1U<< 20) 我不确定它是否是未定义的行为左移一个无符号的int 多于它的位数;如果没有,那么你可以简单地跟你一样高...... + !!((x)& 1U<< 63548) 如果是,那么你可以将IMAX_BITS宏与模数和除法运算符结合使用,以保证安全。 - Frederick Gotham a更简单,因此可能更快一点: int main(无效) { int var = 0xFF0F; int i,count = 0; for(i = 0; i< sizeof(int)* 8; i ++) {count + = var& 1; var>> = 1; } printf("%d \ n",count); 返回0; } a字节查找表可能会或可能不会更快,具体取决于缓存中发生的。 Hi folks,I am trying to find a more efficient way to count "How many bits are''1'' in a integer variable?".I still have no idea to count the bits except using a loop and "if"statements.Could you know any other more efficient way?Cuthbertint main (void){int var = 0xFF0F;int i, count = 0;int mask = 1;for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(int)*8 ; i++ )if ( mask<<i & var) count++ ;printf("%d\n", count);return 0;} 解决方案Break the int into bytes and use a lookup table.--Thomas M. Sommers -- tm*@nj.net -- AB2SBBreak the int into bytes and use a lookup table.I''m sure there''s a better way than that... perhaps even an expressionyielding a compile-time constant. Maybe something like:#define UINT_BITS_SET(x)\!!((x)&1U) + !!((x)&1U<<1) + !!((x)&1U<<2) + !!((x)&1U<<3)\+ !!((x)&1U<<4) + !!((x)&1U<<5) + !!((x)&1U<<6) + !!((x)&1U<<7)\+ !!((x)&1U<<8) + !!((x)&1U<<9) + !!((x)&1U<<10) + !!((x)&1U<<11)\+ !!((x)&1U<<12) + !!((x)&1U<<13) + !!((x)&1U<<14) + !!((x)&1U<<15)\+ !!((x)&1U<<16) + !!((x)&1U<<17) + !!((x)&1U<<18) + !!((x)&1U<<19)\+ !!((x)&1U<<20)I''m not sure if it''s undefined behaviour to left shift an unsigned int bymore places than it has bits; if not, then you can simply go as high as youwant:+ !!((x)&1U<<63548)If it is however, then you could use the IMAX_BITS macro in conjunctionwith the modulus and division operators to keep things safe.--Frederick Gothama bit simpler and therefore perhaps somewhat faster:int main (void){int var = 0xFF0F;int i, count = 0;for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(int)*8 ; i++ ){ count += var & 1; var >>= 1; }printf("%d\n", count);return 0;}a byte lookup table might or might not be faster, depending on whathappens with the cache. 这篇关于整数变量中有多少位是'1'?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
09-12 10:41