


The following is my code, I am doing project on online examination.how i can use the counter in my project..

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    If IsPostBack Then
            Dim daQuestions As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT TOP 20 * FROM tblQuestions ORDER BY NEWID()", con)

            Dim dsQuestions As New Data.DataSet
            Dim dtQuestions As New Data.DataTable

            If Not con.State = Data.ConnectionState.Open Then con.Open()
            dtQuestions = dsQuestions.Tables(0)

            If Not dtQuestions.Rows.Count <= 0 Then

                'For Question 1
                If Not IsDBNull(dtQuestions.Rows(0).Item("Question")) Then
                    lblQuestion1.Text = dtQuestions.Rows(1).Item("Question")
                End If
                If Not IsDBNull(dtQuestions.Rows(0).Item("Option1")) Then
                    rblQuestion1.Items(0).Text = dtQuestions.Rows(0).Item("Option1")
                End If
                If Not IsDBNull(dtQuestions.Rows(0).Item("Option2")) Then
                    rblQuestion1.Items(1).Text = dtQuestions.Rows(0).Item("Option2")
                End If
                If Not IsDBNull(dtQuestions.Rows(0).Item("Option3")) Then
                    rblQuestion1.Items(2).Text = dtQuestions.Rows(0).Item("Option3")
                End If
                If Not IsDBNull(dtQuestions.Rows(0).Item("Option4")) Then
                    rblQuestion1.Items(3).Text = dtQuestions.Rows(0).Item("Option4")
                End If
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End If
End Sub


int i=0
foreach(Datarow dr in dtQuestions.Rows)
If Not IsDBNull(dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Question")) Then
Question_No.Text = dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Question_ID")
End If
If Not IsDBNull(dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Question")) Then
lblQuestion1.Text = dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Question")
End If
If Not IsDBNull(dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Option1")) Then
rblQuestion1.Items(0).Text = dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Option1")
End If
If Not IsDBNull(dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Option2")) Then
rblQuestion1.Items(1).Text = dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Option2")
End If
If Not IsDBNull(dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Option3")) Then
rblQuestion1.Items(2).Text = dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Option3")
End If
If Not IsDBNull(dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Option4")) Then
rblQuestion1.Items(3).Text = dtQuestions.Rows(i).Item("Option4")
End If
End If


09-12 09:44