

我们正在使用用Go语言编写的文件系统,。正在端口8888上使用REST API来发布文件。我们遇到的问题是 HTTPoison 超时。

We are using a filesystem written in Go, seaweedfs. It's being used a REST API on port 8888 to post Files. The issue we are having is HTTPoison timeouts.


We post to a file, again and again, we get HTTPoison request timeout.


  • 文件确实在seaweedfs上得到了更新可以看到修改的日期。

  • HTTPoison请求响应始终超时

  • 我尝试了curl POST。 表示((i = 1; i ,它可以正常工作而不会超时。

  • 我也尝试在本地计算机上使用HTTPoison进行此操作,但是它工作正常。

  • File do get updated on seaweedfs we can see the modified date.
  • HTTPoison request response is always timeout
  • I have tried with curl POST. for ((i=1;i<=100;i++)); do curl -F file=@00_13_000.jpg -X POST http://188.xx.xx.xx.217:8888/everc-dupzo/snapshots/recordings/2019/11/22/09/00_13_000.jpg; done which works fine without any timeout.
  • I have also tried to do it in my local machine with HTTPoison as well but it works fine.


在生产中,我们发送了将近1K POST HTTPoison 请求,其中10%给出超时错误。大多在已经存在的此类文件上。它们确实得到了更新,但是HTTPoison请求是超时的。

In production, we are sending almost 1K POST HTTPoison requests from which 10% gives timeout error. mostly on such files which are already present. they do get updated but HTTPoison request comes as a timeout.


The code we are using to do POST request is written as under.

  def seaweedfs_save(camera_exid, timestamp, image, _notes) do
    [{_, _, _, _, [server]}] = :ets.match_object(:storage_servers, {:_, "RW", :_, :_, :_})
    hackney = [pool: :seaweedfs_upload_pool]
    directory_path = construct_directory_path(camera_exid, timestamp, "recordings", "")
    file_name = construct_file_name(timestamp)
    file_path = directory_path <> file_name
    case HTTPoison.post("#{server.url}#{file_path}", {:multipart, [{file_path, image, []}]}, [], hackney: hackney) do
      {:ok, response} -> response
      {:error, error} -> Logger.info "[seaweedfs_save] [#{file_path}] [#{camera_exid}] [#{inspect error}]"


hackney pool is set to

:hackney_pool.child_spec(:seaweedfs_upload_pool, [timeout: 5000, max_connections: 1000])


The author of seaweedfs has a hunch that HTTPoison requests are not getting closed or being reused.The author of Hackney suggests:


But HTTPoison don't allow it https://github.com/edgurgel/httpoison/blob/master/lib/httpoison/base.ex#L812


I am at quite a dead end with it. Any help would be thankful about

  1. 我们应该如何请求HHTPoison?

  2. 我们应该切换吗?还是哈克尼?

  3. 还是有解决这个问题的更好方法?还是以任何方式获得有关请求为什么超时的更多信息?


I认为问题出在网络带宽和/或延迟上。基本上,您使用 max_connections同时打开一千个连接:1000 。我很确定文件系统本身网络对此不会感到满意。相反,示例中的 curl 请求确实是同步运行的。

I believe the issue is network bandwidth and/or latency. Basically you open a thousand connections simultaneously with max_connections: 1000. I am pretty sure the filesystem itself and the network would not be happy about that. On the contrary, curl requests in your example do run synchronously, one after another.

减小 max_connections 减小到100,甚至更少,以查看超时是否会消失。

Decrease the value of max_connections down to 100, or even less and see if the timeout would have gone.


09-12 09:02