

我在Neo4j上使用了bulbflow(python),并且试图在我的一部分键上添加 only 索引(目前,仅将名为'name'的键用于可选索引-基于查询).

I'm using bulbflow (python) with Neo4j and I'm trying to add an index only on a subset of my keys (for now, simply keys named 'name' for optional index-based lookup).


I don't love the bulbflow Models (too restrictive) and I couldn't figure out how to do selective indexing without changing code since the 'autoindex' is a global setting -- I don't see how to configure it based on the key.


Has anyone done something like this?




You can disable Bulbs auto-indexing by setting g.config.autoindex to False.

请参见 https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/blob/master/bulbs/config.py#L62

>>> from bulbs.neo4jserver import Graph
>>> g = Graph()
>>> g.config.autoindex = False
>>> g.vertices.create(name="James")


In the example above, this will cause the name property not to be indexed automatically.


Setting autoindex to False will switch to using the low-level client's create_vertex() method instead of the create_indexed_vertex() method:

请参见 https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/blob/master/bulbs/neo4jserver/client.py#L422

create_indexed_vertex()方法具有一个keys arg,可用于选择性索引:

The create_indexed_vertex() method has a keys arg, which you can use for selective indexing:

请参见 https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/blob/master/bulbs/neo4jserver/client.py#L424


This is the low-level client method used by Bulbs models. You generally don't need to explicitly call the low-level client methods, but if you do, you can selectively index properties by including the property name in the keys arg.


To selectively index properties in a Model, simply override get_index_keys() in your Model definition:

请参见 https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/blob/master/bulbs/model.py#L383


By default, Bulbs models index all properties. If no keys are provided, then all properties are indexed (like in TinkerPop/Blueprints).

请参见Model _create()和get_bundle()方法:

See the Model _create() and get_bundle() methods:

  • _create() https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/blob/master/bulbs/model.py#L583
  • get_bundle() https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/blob/master/bulbs/model.py#L363
  • get_index_keys() https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/blob/master/bulbs/model.py#L383

要为通用顶点和边启用选择性索引,我更新了Bulbs通用顶点/边方法,以包含_keys arg,您可以在其中提供要索引的属性名称(键)列表.

To enable selective indexing for generic vertices and edges, I updated the Bulbs generic vertex/edge methods to include a _keys arg where you can supply a list of property names (keys) to index.

请参见 https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/commit/4fe39d5a76675020286ec9aeaa8e71d58a >

See https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/commit/4fe39d5a76675020286ec9aeaa8e71d58e3a432a


Now, to selectively index properties on generic vertices/edges, you can supply a list of property names to index:

>>> from bulbs.neo4jserver import Graph
>>> g = Graph()
>>> g.config.autoindex = False
>>> james = g.vertices.create(name="James", city="Dallas", _keys=["name"])
>>> julie = g.vertices.create(name="Julie", city="Dallas", _keys=["name"])
>>> g.edges.create(james, "knows", julie, timestamp=12345, someprop="somevalue", _keys=["someprop"])


In the example above, the name property will be indexed for each vertex, and someprop will be indexed for the edge. Note that city and timestamp will not be indexed because those property names were not explicitly included in the list of index keys.


If g.config.autoindex is True and _keys is None (the default), all properties will be indexed (just like before).


If g.config.autoindex is False and _keys is None, no properties will be indexed.


If _keys is explicitly set to a list of property names, only those properties will be indexed, regardless if g.config.autoindex is True or False.

请参见 https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/blob/master/bulbs/neo4jserver/client.py#L422

注意:如果您使用Neo4j Server,Rexster或Titan Server,并且所有图形数据库服务器的索引体系结构都处于自动状态,则自动索引的工作方式会有所不同.过去几个月的流量.似乎所有人都从手动索引系统转向自动索引.

NOTE: How auto-indexing works differs somewhat if you're using Neo4j Server, Rexster, or Titan Server, and the indexing architecture for all the graph-database servers has been in a state of flux for the past few months. It appears that all are moving from a manual-indexing system to auto-indexing.

对于直到最近才具有自动索引功能的图形数据库服务器(例如Neo4j Server),Bulbs通过使用数据库的低级手动索引方法的自定义Gremlin脚本启用了自动索引:

For graph-database servers that did not have auto-indexing capability until recently (e.g. Neo4j Server), Bulbs enabled auto-indexing via custom Gremlin scripts that used the database's low-level manual indexing methods:

  • https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/blob/master/bulbs/neo4jserver/client.py#L1008
  • https://github.com/espeed/bulbs/blob/master/bulbs/neo4jserver/gremlin.groovy#L11

但是,Neo4j Server,TinkerPop/Rexster和Titan Server之间不推荐使用手动索引编制,因此Bulbs 0.4索引编制架构将相应地发生变化.通过像在SQL create table语句中一样预先声明索引键,仍然可以进行选择性索引.

However, manual indexing has been deprecated among Neo4j Server, TinkerPop/Rexster, and Titan Server so Bulbs 0.4 indexing architecture will change accordingly. Selective indexing will still be possible by declaring your index keys upfront, like you would in an SQL create table statement.

顺便说一句:您对模型有何限制? Bulbs Models(实际上是整个库)被设计为灵活的,因此您可以根据需要进行修改.

BTW: What about did you find restrictive about Models? Bulbs Models (actually the entire library) is designed to be flexible so you can modify it to whatever you need.


See the Lightbulb example for how to customize Bulbs Models: Is there a equivalent to commit in bulbs framework for neo4j


Let me know if you have any questions.


09-12 04:40