


I'm learning coroutines, and I encounter the following surprising (for me) behavior. I want to have a parallel map. I consider 4 solutions:

  1. map,没有并行性
  2. pmap来自此处.
  3. 第2项的修改:我删除了coroutineScope并使用了GlobalScope.
  4. Java的parallelStream.
  1. Just map, no parallelism
  2. pmap from here.
  3. Modification of item 2: I removed coroutineScope and use GlobalScope.
  4. Java's parallelStream.


import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.streams.toList
import kotlin.system.measureNanoTime

inline fun printTime(msg: String, f: () -> Unit) =
    println("${msg.padEnd(15)} time: ${measureNanoTime(f) / 1e9}")

suspend fun <T, U> List<T>.pmap(f: (T) -> U) = coroutineScope {
    map { async { f(it) } }.map { it.await() }

suspend fun <T, U> List<T>.pmapGlob(f: (T) -> U) =
    map { GlobalScope.async { f(it) } }.map { it.await() }

fun eval(i: Int) = (0 .. i).sumBy { it * it }

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val list = (0..200).map { it * it * it }
    printTime("No parallelism") { println(list.map(::eval).sum()) }
    printTime("CoroutineScope") { println(list.pmap(::eval).sum()) }
    printTime("GlobalScope") { println(list.pmapGlob(::eval).sum()) }
    printTime("ParallelStream") { println(list.parallelStream().map(::eval).toList().sum()) }


No parallelism  time: 0.85726849
CoroutineScope  time: 0.827426385
GlobalScope     time: 0.145788785
ParallelStream  time: 0.161423263



As you can see, with coroutineScope there is almost no gain, while with GlobalScope it works as fast as parallelStream. What is the reason? Can I have a solution which has all advantages of coroutineScope with the same speed gain?



Scopes are only indirectly involved in the differences you observed.


GlobalScope is a singleton that defines its own dispatcher, which is Dispatchers.Default. It is backed by a thread pool.


coroutineScope does not define its own dispatcher so you inherit it from the caller, in this case the one created by runBlocking. It uses the single thread it is called on.


If you replace coroutineScope with withContext(Dispatchers.Default), you'll get the same timings. This is in fact how you should write this (instead of GlobalScope) in order to get sane behavior in the face of possible failures of some of the concurrent tasks.


10-20 12:48