

这个问题是我 6 个月前问的另一个问题的后续(将 SVN 与 kwallet 集成) 但现在不同了.

This question is a followup to another one I asked 6 months ago (Integrating SVN with kwallet) but it is different now.

我设法使 SVN 与 KWallet 集成,但是现在,每次我执行 svn 命令时,它都会弹出要求访问 KWallet 的授权.是否有可能获得五项永久授权?这样它就不会要求我打开钱包?

I manage to make SVN integrate with KWallet, but now, everytime I do an svn command it popups asking for authorization to access the KWallet. Is it possible to five a permanent authorization? So that it doesn't ask me to open the wallet?



After sometime I found the solution. Just need to add a Subversion entry on the default wallet


09-11 23:05