本文介绍了如何根据linq中的日期月份计算总和的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 大家好, i确实要求根据每月的记录数来得到总和结果。 i编写的代码如下。 /> var Interviews = spe.Interviews .Where(w = > w.InterviewDate.Year == year) .Join(spe.Recruiters,i = > ; i.Recruiter,r = > r.RecruiterId,(i,r)= > new { r.RecruiterId, i.InterviewDate })。GroupBy(gp = > new {RecruiterId = gp.RecruiterId,InterviewDate = gp.InterviewDate})。选择(x = > new { RecruiterId = x.Key.RecruiterId,InterviewDate = x.Key.InterviewDate,InterviewCount = x.Count()})。ToList(); 注意: - 在上面的代码中,我得到了计数,即面试计数日期,但我想要的计数是每个月,请帮我实现这个!!! 解决方案 var Interviews = spe.Interviews .Where(w = > w.InterviewDate.Year == year) .Join(spe.Recruiters,i = > ; i.Recruiter,r = > r.RecruiterId,(i,r)= > new { r.RecruiterId, i.InterviewDate })。GroupBy(gp = > new {Recruite rId = gp.RecruiterId,Month = gp.InterviewDate.Month}) .Select(x = > new {RecruiterId = x.Key.RecruiterId,InterviewMonth = x.Key.Month,InterviewCount = x.Count()})。ToList(); 如果你需要将月份换成字符串替换 Month = gp.InterviewDate.Month with 月= gp.InterviewDate.ToString( MMM ) hi all,i do have a requirement that to get the sum result based on the no of records per month.i have written the code as following.var Interviews = spe.Interviews .Where(w => w.InterviewDate.Year == year) .Join(spe.Recruiters, i => i.Recruiter, r => r.RecruiterId, (i, r) => new { r.RecruiterId, i.InterviewDate }).GroupBy(gp => new { RecruiterId = gp.RecruiterId, InterviewDate = gp.InterviewDate }) .Select(x => new { RecruiterId = x.Key.RecruiterId, InterviewDate = x.Key.InterviewDate, InterviewCount = x.Count() }).ToList();Note:- In the above code i am getting the count i.e interview count by date , but the count which i want is per month, please help me to achieve this!!! 解决方案 var Interviews = spe.Interviews .Where(w => w.InterviewDate.Year == year) .Join(spe.Recruiters, i => i.Recruiter, r => r.RecruiterId, (i, r) => new { r.RecruiterId, i.InterviewDate }).GroupBy(gp => new { RecruiterId = gp.RecruiterId, Month= gp.InterviewDate.Month }) .Select(x => new { RecruiterId = x.Key.RecruiterId, InterviewMonth = x.Key.Month, InterviewCount = x.Count() }).ToList();if you need to get month as string replaceMonth= gp.InterviewDate.Month withMonth= gp.InterviewDate.ToString("MMM") 这篇关于如何根据linq中的日期月份计算总和的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
09-11 18:48