


My boss has discovered a new magazine which mentioned data warehousing. Thus I am in search of a good tutorial or book on data warehousing. I will also accept recommendations on ways to stop my boss reading.



There are two primary authors on data warehousing:

  • Bill Inmon-主要撰写大型企业数据仓库

  • Ralph Kimball-主要撰写小型,部门数据仓库


It's a good idea to get familiar with the ideas of both.


Data warehousing is a mature and complex field, one that you're unlikely to be very successful with unless you've got a lot of experience in it, or have a very simple project. This can and should deter most people from just jumping into these projects. On the other hand, we're now at a point in IT in which the integration and analytical features of a data warehouse are becoming increasingly demanded by users and customers. So, it's probably a good idea to do an evaluation of what it offers.


09-11 17:15