本文介绍了带`?`的可空var与lateinit var的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



What is the best way to define global variables in a Kotlin/Android activity/fragment?


What are the different scenarios when you should use these 2 methods for defining a global variable:

var viewpager: CustomViewPager? = null 

lateinit var viewpager: CustomViewPager



If I use the former, I won't have to check for null in my code. For example if I used lateinit for the following:

viewpager = activity?.findViewById<CustomViewPager>(R.id.viewpager),那么我将必须检查是否为空.

viewpager = activity?.findViewById<CustomViewPager>(R.id.viewpager) then I would have to check for null.


使用lateinit,是说您将绝对确保在某个位置创建该变量的实例(否则,如果以下情况,您的应用程序将引发异常: lateinit尚未初始化),那么与使用null相比,该变量在整个项目的其余部分也不会为null,这意味着该对象在其余代码中可能为null.项目,您将不得不始终应对可为空性.

using lateinit, you are saying that you absolutely will make sure that an instance of that variable is created somewhere (otherwise, your application will throw an exception if a lateinit has not been initialized) and then that variable also will not be null throughout the rest of your project, compared to using null, it means that this object potentially could be null somewhere in your code for the rest of the project and you will have to deal with nullability throughout.


If you are positive that you are not going to make a variable null and you require an instance of it always, use lateinit



If the answer to that is Yes, you should probably be using lateinit, as lateinit forces you to create an instance of it.


If the answer is No, you should probably be using a nullable field instead.

来自这里: https://www.kotlindevelopment.com/lateinit-kotlin/

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09-18 17:57