Redis 和 Membase 的主要区别是什么?
What are the major differences between Redis and Membase?
可扩展性:Membase 提供分布式键/值存储(就像 Memcache),因此无论您的数据集有多大,写入和读取都将始终在可预测的恒定时间内执行.另一方面,Redis 仅提供主从复制,这可以加快读取速度,但不会加快写入速度.
Scalability:Membase offers a distributed key/value store (just like Memcache), so writes and reads will always be performed in predictably constant time regardless of how large your data set is. Redis on the other hand offers just master-slave replication, which speeds up read but does not speed up writes.
数据冗余为每个键值对设置具有一定数量的复制副本的集群很简单,允许服务器在不丢失数据的情况下对集群中的不工作节点进行故障转移.然而,Redis 的主从复制并没有提供这种相同类型的数据冗余.
Data RedundancyIt's simple to setup a cluster with a set amount of replicated copy for each key-value pair, allow for servers to failover a inoperative node in a cluster without losing data. Redis' master-slave replication doesn't offer this same type of data redundancy, however.
数据类型:Redis 提供了一种开箱即用的原子方式处理列表的能力,但可以使用 Membase 在应用程序逻辑层中实现类似的功能.
Data Type:Redis offers ability to handle lists in an atomic fashion out of the box, but one can implement similar functionality in the application logic layer with Membase.
采用:目前 Redis 比 Membase 应用更广泛,也更成熟一些.Membase 确实有一些引人注目的用例,例如 Zynga 及其大量社交游戏.
Adoption:Currently Redis is more widely adopted and a bit more mature than Membase. Membase does have a few high profile use case, such as Zynga and their slew of social games.
Membase 最近与 Couchbase 合并,他们将拥有一个 Membase 版本,在下一个主要版本(计划于 2011 年初左右)中提供 CouchDB 的 Map/Reduce 和查询/索引功能.
Membase has recently merged with Couchbase and they will have a version of Membase that will offer CouchDB's Map/Reduce and query/index ability in the next major release (scheduled around early 2011).
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