Is there a way to get all posts for a given subreddit instead of just the posts newer than one month?
For example, this is the "last" page of posts from IAmA subreddit we can get to, http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/?count=900&limit=100&after=t3_1k3tm1, and clearly this is not the last page of posts. It does not include any posts older than one month.
与reddit的玩弄后,我发现获取给定版(Subreddit)的所有帖子的方法之一是使用它的搜索界面:的 /search.json?restrict_sr=on&t=all。例如,您可以使用此请求端点得到下IAMA版(Subreddit)所有帖子:的
After playing around with Reddit, I found one way to fetch all posts of a given subreddit is to use its search interface: http://www.reddit.com/r//search.json?restrict_sr=on&t=all. For example, you can get all posts under IAmA subreddit using this request endpoint: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/search.json?restrict_sr=on&t=all