


I have a result that I didn't expect from multiple inheritance, virtual methods and pointers to base classes.


With d.getStr(), when d is a derived instance, the base_2 version is called, as I expected.


With p->getStr(), when p is a pointer to a derived instance (or a pointer to base_2 pointing to a derived instance), the base_2 version is called, as I expected.

但是使用p->getStr()时,当p是指向base_1的指针,该指针指向derived实例时,会调用base_1版本,并且我确信它将被称为base_2版本(谢谢) usinggetStr()virtual方法的事实).

But with p->getStr(), when p is a pointer to a base_1 pointing to a derived instance, the base_1 version is called and I was convinced would be called the base_2 version (thanks the using and the fact that getStr() are virtual methods).


The following is a simple example:

#include <iostream>

struct base_1
   virtual std::string getStr () const
    { return "string from base 1"; }

struct base_2
   virtual std::string getStr () const
    { return "string from base 2"; }

struct derived : public base_1, public base_2
   using base_2::getStr;

int main ()
   derived  d;

   derived *  dp  = &d;
   base_1 *   bp1 = &d;
   base_2 *   bp2 = &d;

   std::cout << "from derived:         " << d.getStr() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "from derived pointer: " << dp->getStr() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "from base_1 pointer:  " << bp1->getStr() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "from base_2 pointer:  " << bp2->getStr() << std::endl;


from derived:         string from base 2
from derived pointer: string from base 2
from base_1 pointer:  string from base 1
from base_2 pointer:  string from base 2


I know that, to impose the call of base_2 version, I can add in derived the following method

std::string getStr () const
 { return base_2::getStr(); }



1) Why does the pointer to base_1 (pointing to a derived instance) ignore the using directive and call the base_1 version of getStr()?


2) Is there a way to impose the base_2 version of getStr(), when derived instance is used by a base_1 pointer, without redefining getStr()?




I understand that you are describing what's happening but my doubt is: does the language (the standard) describe this aspect? Or is it an undefined part?

我的意思是:如果删除using指令,则会从d.getStr()dp->getStr()收到编译错误(error: request for member getStr is ambiguous),因为编译器不知道将哪个版本的getStr()选择.

I mean: if I remove the using directive, I get a compilation error (error: request for member getStr is ambiguous), from d.getStr() and from dp->getStr(), because the compiler doesn't know which version of getStr() to chose.


But getStr() are virtual methods. So (I was convinced that) a base pointer should use the derived version of they. But we have a couple of colliding methods.


From the language (standard) point of view, a base_1 (or base_2) is the pointer authorized (or obligated) to choose one of the two versions of the colliding methods ignoring the other?


Maybe I'm wrong but seems to me that, in this way, the virtual methods are managed as non virtual methods.



You are expecting that when you using the using keyword in the following manner:

struct derived : public base_1, public base_2
   using base_2::getStr;


struct derived : public base_1, public base_2
   void getStr()

在这种情况下,您期望的行为-调用p->getStr()(当p是指向base_1的指针时)的确会最终调用base_2::getStr(). derived覆盖base_1getStr(),因此通过普通指针调用base_1getStr()会导致调用derivedgetStr(),从而调用 getStr()方法.

In this case, the behavior you are expecting -- invoking p->getStr(), when p is a pointer to a base_1 -- would, indeed, end up invoking base_2::getStr(). derived overrides base_1's getStr(), so invoking base_1's getStr(), through an ordinary pointer, results in derived's getStr() getting invoked, which invokes base_2 getStr() method.

但是,这不会发生. using关键字不是以这种方式转发方法调用的别名. using关键字不会在derived的类中创建方法,因此类继承不会受到影响,并且derived_1getStr()不会在子clsas中被覆盖.这就是为什么调用derived_1getStr()不会结束调用derived_2getStr()的原因.

However, this is not what happens. The using keyword is not an alias for forwarding a method call in this manner. The using keyword does not create a method in derived'd class, so class inheritance is not affected, and derived_1's getStr() does not get overriden in the subclsas. And that's why invoking derived_1's getStr() does not wind up invoking derived_2's getStr().


09-11 12:42