我应该在我的 java 项目中有一个动物的层次结构,但我对应该扩展什么感到困惑.以下是说明:
I'm supposed to have a hierarchy of animals in my java project, but I'm confused on what should extend what.Here are the instructions:
- 可采用
- 动物
- 蝙蝠
- 鸟
- 蓝鲸
- 狗
- 鸸鹋
- 鱼
- 金鱼
- 哺乳动物
- 水獭
- 鹦鹉
- 爬行动物
- 乌龟
- 水上乐园
- 鲸鱼
- 有翼
You need to decide on the structure of the classes/interfaces. Consider:
Which should be an abstract class? a concrete class? Which should be an interface? How should the classes be related through inheritance? In what classes should methods be placed? What methods should be overridden? What information should be taken in as a parameter and what information can be hard-coded into a class? Some additional details/requirements:
所有动物都有一个返回布尔值的方法isWarmBlooded".这方法可以直接在类中,也可以继承.所有的动物都有一个名称.所有类都有一个 toString 方法,该方法返回动物的名称,动物是否是温血动物,以及所有动物的清单适用于动物的名称.toString 方法可以在类直接或继承.可以作为宠物收养的动物有一个方法getHomeCareInstructions",它返回如何照顾动物.生活在水中的动物(是水居民)有一个方法livesOnLand",它返回一个布尔值动物是否也能在陆地上生活.有翅膀的动物有一个方法飞行",返回一个布尔值动物是否可以飞行.这部分作业不一定难编程视角.你应该花时间做的是仔细考虑你的类的设计以及它们应该如何相关通过继承或接口
All animals have a method "isWarmBlooded" that returns a boolean. The method can be in the class directly or inherited. All animals have a name. All classes have a toString method that returns the animal's name, whether the animal is warm blooded, and a list of all animal names that apply to the animal. The toString method can be in the class directly or inherited. Animals that can be adopted as pets have a method "getHomeCareInstructions" that returns a description of how to care for the animal. Animals that live in water (are water dwellers) have a method "livesOnLand" that returns a boolean of whether the animal also can live on land. Animals that have wings have a method "flies" that returns a boolean of whether the animal can fly. This part of the assignment isn't necessarily difficult from a programming perspective. What you should spend time on is carefully considering the design of you classes and how they should be related through inheritance or interfaces
I'm not sure how to design this because I know a bird is winged, but so is a bat. Therefor bat would extend winged, but bats are also mammals. I can't have winged extend mammal because birds are not mammals. Also, whales and otters are watter dwellers, but are also waterdwellers. I can't have waterdwellers extend mammals (because whales/otters are mammals), but fish are not mammals and are waterdwellers. How would I make it so a bat is both winged and a mammal? The programming is the easy part, just struggling with the structure of the project. How can I structure this so it could work?
So in your modelling you have to think:
例如鲸鱼、水獭 -> 课程
e.g. whales, otters -> classes
例如一只鸟.-> 抽象类
e.g. a bird. -> abstract class
这称为 Liskov 替换原则 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle
Since every emu is a bird.
This is called the Liskov Substitution Principle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle
例如WaterDweller、Winged -> 那些是接口.
e.g. WaterDweller, Winged -> those are interfaces.
Every class can have one superclass, it can have many characteristics, like being winged, or being a waterdweller, or adoptable
它是一种哺乳动物 -> 因此它的超类是哺乳动物.它是有翼的——这是一个特性——所以它实现了有翼的接口.
It is a mammal -> therefore it's superclass is mammal. It is winged - which is a characteristic - so it implements the winged interface.
class Bat extends Mammal implements Winged{