


I saw this post on Firebase's blog explaining the best way to create relational data objects using their platform. I'm struggling to translate these concepts to AngularFire, their integration with the AngularJS platform.


Specifically, I'm trying to display two linked data sets that have a one way pointer reference similar to how they described it in this example from their post:

var commentsRef = new Firebase("https://awesome.firebaseio-demo.com/comments");
var linkCommentsRef = new Firebase("https://awesome.firebaseio-demo.com/links/comments");

linkCommentsRef.on("child_added", function(snap) {
     commentsRef.child(snap.name()).once("value", function() {
         // Render the comment on the link page.


Question: Is it possible with the current AngularFile integration to make the pointer-style references to other data objects? And if so, can you provide an example?

编辑:我觉得我能解决这些问题,如果我可以访问的唯一ID 按AngularFire我的数据生成[见下文]。我如何访问它们?

I feel like I'd be able to solve these problems if I can just access the unique IDs generated by AngularFire for my data [see below]. How do I access them?



您确实需要访问的唯一ID,我们最近增加了一个功能,可以让你通过 angularFireCollection 访问它:的。

You do need access to the unique IDs, and we recently added a feature that will give you access to it via angularFireCollection: https://github.com/firebase/angularFire/pull/26.

如果您使用的是隐式同步方法( angularFire ),那么你已经有了访问密钥,只要你指定要定了型的第四个参数收集到'对象'的:

If you're using the implicit sync method (angularFire), then you already have access to the keys as long as you specify the 4th argument that will set the type of the collection to 'Object':

function MyController($scope, angularFire) {
  var url = 'https://awesome.firebaseio-demo.com/comments';
  var promise = angularFire(url, $scope, 'comments', {});
  promise.then(function() {
    var id = '-lw2NDTiZMFvzEWmSnYn';



10-22 15:41