本文介绍了HTML 5拖动事件:"dragenter"之后触发了"dragleave"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在单个页面应用程序中使用html5 dragevents.

I'm using html5 dragevents in a single page application.

当前,我正在听 dragleave dragenter 事件,以在元素上设置适当的类.

Currently, I'm listening to the dragleave and dragenter events to set the proper classes on the elements.


But, when two valid target elements(A and B) are next to each other, and we drag an elment through A into B, the events are fired in the following sequance.

                     |              |             |
+-------+            |     A        |     B       |
|       |            |              |             |
| Elem  +------------------------------------>    |
|       |            |              |             |
+-------+            |              |             |
  1. A的 dragenter
  2. B的
  3. dragenter
  4. A的
  5. dragleave


  1. A的 dragenter
  2. A的
  3. dragleave B的
  4. dragenter

我假设这是命令,因为该项目必须在输入 B 之前离开 A .我在这里想念什么吗?是否有理由将 dragenter dragleave 之前解雇?有没有办法改变这种行为?

I assumed that this would be the order since the item has to leave A before entering B. Am I missing something here? Is there a rationale for the dragenter being fired before the dragleave? Is there a way to change this behaviour?

我有一个JSFiddle 此处.

I have a JSFiddle here.

代码本身非常简单,只需监听 dragenter dragover .

The code itself is pretty simple with the dragenter and dragover being listened to.

dragenter: function(e) {
    console.log("basket dragenter");
    // logic here
dragleave: function(e) {
    console.log("basket dragleave");
    // logic here



A little late to the party but, here is my use case. Imagine that B is entirely enclosed in A:

             |  A                        |
             |      +---------------+    |
+-----+      |      | B             |    |
|     |      |      |               |    |
|    -|------|------|--->           |    |
+-----+      |      |               |    |
             |      |               |    |
             |      +---------------+    |


You can leave A here by leaving it entirely, or by leaving it to go to B. The fact that B.dragenter is fired before A.dragleave allows you to be aware of the direction of the drag in the A.dragleave handler.


In fact I just realise that the same goes for your use-case: you can leave A to the void (left-up-down) or to go to B (right).


Note that the above is my interpretation of 'why' this is useful. The behaviour itself confirmed by this section of the spec:


这篇关于HTML 5拖动事件:"dragenter"之后触发了"dragleave"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-10 23:53