本文介绍了Swiftlint 覆盖与 SPM 相关的项目设置的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在使用 swiftlint 自动更正时遇到了一个奇怪的行为.我的项目使用通过 SPM 导入的库.但是当我运行 linter 时,它会更改如下设置

I am running into a strange behavior with swiftlint autocorrect. My project uses a library imported through SPM. But when I run the linter, it changes settings like the following

B4621A7323D0A90F00545ADE /* LibraryName in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = B4621A7223D0A90F00545ADE /* LibraryName */; };

files = (
    B4621A7323D0A90F00545ADE /* LibraryName in Frameworks */,

packageProductDependencies = (
    B4621A7223D0A90F00545ADE /* LibraryName */,

packageReferences = (
    B4621A7123D0A90F00545ADE /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "library-name" */,


B4621A7323D0A90F00545ADE /* BuildFile in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = B4621A7223D0A90F00545ADE /* SwiftPackageProductDependency */; };

files = (
    B4621A7323D0A90F00545ADE /* BuildFile in Frameworks */,

packageProductDependencies = (
    B4621A7223D0A90F00545ADE /* SwiftPackageProductDependency */,

packageReferences = (
    B4621A7123D0A90F00545ADE /* RemoteSwiftPackageReference */,


It basically removes all references to the actual library and replaces them with some generic things. I tried adding two different libraries and it did the same to both libraries.


Any idea what might be going on and how I can fix it?


这与 SwiftLint 自动更正或其他评论中所述的任何 fastlane 插件无关.据我所知,目前,这是一个 Xcode 错误.

This is not related to SwiftLint autocorrect nor any fastlane plugin as stated in other comments. As far as I can tell, for now, this is an Xcode bug.

这篇关于Swiftlint 覆盖与 SPM 相关的项目设置的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-13 15:05