I have a tool that has 3 tabs and some counters on each tab. The title of the tab is supposed to have a badge that shows a total of all counters on that tab. If the total is 0, it shouldn't show any badge.
这一切在Chrome和Firefox上都可以正常工作,但是在Safari(在OS X和iOS上)上,我都遇到了一些非常奇怪的行为,似乎无法调试.
This all works fine in Chrome and Firefox, but in Safari (both on OS X and iOS) I get some very strange behavior that I can't seem to debug.
I have a badge with some very simple code:
<li role="presentation">
<a href="#AB-bulk" aria-controls="AB-bulk" role="tab" data-toggle="tab" class="climb_type_nav">
<span class="badge" id="AB-badge"></span>
And some javascript to (re)set the html contents of the badge span:
// reset badge counts
$.each($('.climb_type_nav').find('.badge'), function (i, x) {
// get counts per climb type
$.each($('.input-number'), function (i, x) {
var climbs = parseInt(x.value, 10);
if (climbs > 0) {
var shortName = x.getAttribute('climb_type_short_name');
if (!ct[shortName]) {
ct[shortName] = 0;
ct[shortName] += climbs;
// set badge counts
$.each(ct, function (shortName, count) {
$('#' + shortName + '-badge').html('<b>' + count + '</b>');
要在此小提琴中复制行为,请 http://jsfiddle.net/ajLxsLc2/3/ :
To replicate the behavior in this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ajLxsLc2/3/:
- 单击加号以更新计数器,或者只需手动输入数字并单击输入框的关闭按钮-您会看到徽章出现在第一个标签上
- 单击减号将计数恢复为0-您会看到徽章消失
- 再次单击加号以更新计数器-这次徽章将不会出现在Safari中
- 要显示徽章,请单击另一个标签或将鼠标悬停在您所在的标签上
I've confirmed that the HTML value is being set inside the badge's span, it's just not showing up when in Safari for some reason. Any help is much appreciated!
It's a funny issue. I noticed the badge appears on mouse over, so this seems to fix it:
// set badge counts
$.each(ct, function (shortName, count) {
$('#' + shortName + '-badge')
.html('<b>' + count + '</b>')