

我正在尝试选择一个项目后使 ExpansionTile 折叠,但是它不会关闭打开的列表。

I'm trying to get ExpansionTile to collapse after I choose an item, but it does not close the list that was opened.

我尝试使用 onExpansionChanged 属性,但是我没有成功

I tried to use the onExpansionChanged property but I did not succeed


插入一个gif,表明 ExpansionTile 在选择项目后不会崩溃,并且下面也是

Insert a gif demonstrating that ExpansionTile does not collapse after choosing an item, and below is also the code used.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(new ExpansionTileSample());

class ExpansionTileSample extends StatefulWidget {
  ExpansionTileSampleState createState() => new ExpansionTileSampleState();

class ExpansionTileSampleState extends State<ExpansionTileSample> {
  String foos = 'One';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new MaterialApp(
      home: new Scaffold(
        appBar: new AppBar(
          title: const Text('ExpansionTile'),
        body: new ExpansionTile(
          title: new Text(this.foos),
          backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).accentColor.withOpacity(0.025),
          children: <Widget>[
            new ListTile(
              title: const Text('One'),
              onTap: () {
                setState(() {
                  this.foos = 'One';
            new ListTile(
              title: const Text('Two'),
              onTap: () {
                setState(() {
                  this.foos = 'Two';
            new ListTile(
              title: const Text('Three'),
              onTap: () {
                setState(() {
                  this.foos = 'Three';


此处是一个解决方案。我们只需添加扩展折叠切换功能即可 ExpansionTile

Here is a solution. We just add a expand, collapse and toggle functionality to ExpansionTile.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

void main() {
    runApp(new ExpansionTileSample());

class ExpansionTileSample extends StatefulWidget {
    ExpansionTileSampleState createState() => new ExpansionTileSampleState();

class ExpansionTileSampleState extends State<ExpansionTileSample> {

    final GlobalKey<AppExpansionTileState> expansionTile = new GlobalKey();
    String foos = 'One';

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return new MaterialApp(
            home: new Scaffold(
                appBar: new AppBar(
                    title: const Text('ExpansionTile'),
                body: new AppExpansionTile(
                    key: expansionTile,
                    title: new Text(this.foos),
                    backgroundColor: Theme
                    children: <Widget>[
                        new ListTile(
                            title: const Text('One'),
                            onTap: () {
                                setState(() {
                                    this.foos = 'One';
                        new ListTile(
                            title: const Text('Two'),
                            onTap: () {
                                setState(() {
                                    this.foos = 'Two';
                        new ListTile(
                            title: const Text('Three'),
                            onTap: () {
                                setState(() {
                                    this.foos = 'Three';

// --- Copied and slightly modified version of the ExpansionTile.

const Duration _kExpand = const Duration(milliseconds: 200);

class AppExpansionTile extends StatefulWidget {
    const AppExpansionTile({
        Key key,
        @required this.title,
        this.children: const <Widget>[],
        this.initiallyExpanded: false,
        : assert(initiallyExpanded != null),
            super(key: key);

    final Widget leading;
    final Widget title;
    final ValueChanged<bool> onExpansionChanged;
    final List<Widget> children;
    final Color backgroundColor;
    final Widget trailing;
    final bool initiallyExpanded;

    AppExpansionTileState createState() => new AppExpansionTileState();

class AppExpansionTileState extends State<AppExpansionTile> with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
    AnimationController _controller;
    CurvedAnimation _easeOutAnimation;
    CurvedAnimation _easeInAnimation;
    ColorTween _borderColor;
    ColorTween _headerColor;
    ColorTween _iconColor;
    ColorTween _backgroundColor;
    Animation<double> _iconTurns;

    bool _isExpanded = false;

    void initState() {
        _controller = new AnimationController(duration: _kExpand, vsync: this);
        _easeOutAnimation = new CurvedAnimation(parent: _controller, curve: Curves.easeOut);
        _easeInAnimation = new CurvedAnimation(parent: _controller, curve: Curves.easeIn);
        _borderColor = new ColorTween();
        _headerColor = new ColorTween();
        _iconColor = new ColorTween();
        _iconTurns = new Tween<double>(begin: 0.0, end: 0.5).animate(_easeInAnimation);
        _backgroundColor = new ColorTween();

        _isExpanded = PageStorage.of(context)?.readState(context) ?? widget.initiallyExpanded;
        if (_isExpanded)
            _controller.value = 1.0;

    void dispose() {

    void expand() {

    void collapse() {

    void toggle() {

    void _setExpanded(bool isExpanded) {
        if (_isExpanded != isExpanded) {
            setState(() {
                _isExpanded = isExpanded;
                if (_isExpanded)
                    _controller.reverse().then<void>((Null value) {
                        setState(() {
                            // Rebuild without widget.children.
                PageStorage.of(context)?.writeState(context, _isExpanded);
            if (widget.onExpansionChanged != null) {

    Widget _buildChildren(BuildContext context, Widget child) {
        final Color borderSideColor = _borderColor.evaluate(_easeOutAnimation) ?? Colors.transparent;
        final Color titleColor = _headerColor.evaluate(_easeInAnimation);

        return new Container(
            decoration: new BoxDecoration(
                color: _backgroundColor.evaluate(_easeOutAnimation) ?? Colors.transparent,
                border: new Border(
                    top: new BorderSide(color: borderSideColor),
                    bottom: new BorderSide(color: borderSideColor),
            child: new Column(
                mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                children: <Widget>[
                        data: new IconThemeData(color: _iconColor.evaluate(_easeInAnimation)),
                        child: new ListTile(
                            onTap: toggle,
                            leading: widget.leading,
                            title: new DefaultTextStyle(
                                style: Theme
                                    .copyWith(color: titleColor),
                                child: widget.title,
                            trailing: widget.trailing ?? new RotationTransition(
                                turns: _iconTurns,
                                child: const Icon(Icons.expand_more),
                    new ClipRect(
                        child: new Align(
                            heightFactor: _easeInAnimation.value,
                            child: child,

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        final ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
        _borderColor.end = theme.dividerColor;
            ..begin = theme.textTheme.subhead.color
            ..end = theme.accentColor;
            ..begin = theme.unselectedWidgetColor
            ..end = theme.accentColor;
        _backgroundColor.end = widget.backgroundColor;

        final bool closed = !_isExpanded && _controller.isDismissed;
        return new AnimatedBuilder(
            animation: _controller.view,
            builder: _buildChildren,
            child: closed ? null : new Column(children: widget.children),


09-10 19:37