// This is a framework class. Customizing this class may cause problems with future upgrades to the software.
class XppSource
#xppTexts int indentLevel;
Source source;
// VAR Changed on 08 Nov 2012 at 13:55:27 by JXie7519
Source comment()
UserInfo UserInfo;
Name name;
/* Original
source += strfmt("// #! INCIDENT !#.LAST.%1.%2:", date2str(systemdateget(), 123,2,2,2,2,2, DateFlags::None), curuserId());
*/ // VAR Changed on 08 Nov 2012 at 13:55:27 by JXie7519 - start
select firstOnly UserInfo where UserInfo.id == curUserId(); name = subStr(UserInfo.networkAlias, strLen(UserInfo.networkAlias) - , strlen(UserInfo.networkAlias));
name = Global::isInteger(name) ? name : UserInfo.id; source += "// " + strUpr(enum2str(currentAOLayer())) + " Changed on " + date2str(today(),,,,,,, DateFlags::FormatAll ) + " at " + time2str(timenow(), , ) + " by " + name + " - start" + '\n' + "\n" +
"\t" + "// " + strUpr(enum2str(currentAOLayer())) + " Changed on " + date2str(today(),,,,,,, DateFlags::FormatAll ) + " at " + time2str(timenow(), , ) + " by " + name + " - end";// + '\n';
// VAR Changed on 08 Nov 2012 at 13:55:27 by JXie7519 - end return source;
05-02 14:34