本文介绍了Eclipse WTP / m2eclipse - 既不能清理也不能发布到tomcat的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用Ubuntu 11.10 / 64bit的Eclipse Indigo Java EE(大量使用m2eclipse),在一个非常复杂的项目(Java / Spring / Maven多模块)中使用WAR覆盖。


无法删除< directory>可能被另一个进程锁定。

我可以手动删除这些文件(但是tomcat无法发布),我找不到哪个进程可能锁定它(linux: lsof< directory>


如前所述:一切都很好,直到昨天。我发现这个问题,最近有人有同样的问题。 Googling周围没有显露。有些人有类似的问题,他们通过大量删除/重新创建服务器配置来修复。试过了至少10次。

同事的Linux机箱上的相同问题 - 他昨天设立了自己的系统,马上就跑进去了。


实际上试图降级到0.14 ...






I'm working on a pretty complex project (Java / Spring / Maven multi-module) with WAR overlays in Eclipse Indigo Java EE (heavily using m2eclipse) on Ubuntu 11.10 / 64bit

All good till this morning: I cannot clean / publish to tomcat anymore:

Publishing failed
Could not delete <directory> May be locked by another process.

I can easily delete these files by hand (but still tomcat cannot publish), and I cannot find out which process might be locking it (linux: lsof <directory>)

I tried a sh..load of things in Eclipse: removed projects (works then), added again (same issue), deleted server config, deleted tomcat config, updated eclipse, started eclipse with -clean, moved server directory out of the plugin folder, rolled back the project to a branch that definitely worked the other day...

As as said: everything was good till yesterday. I found this issues here, with someone having the same problem lately. Googling around doesn't reveal much. Some guys had similar issues which they "fixed" by heavily deleting / recreating server configs. Tried that at least 10 times.

Same issues on a colleague's linux box - he set up his system yesterday and ran into it right away.

I found this bug-report of m2e-wtp which might be related.

Update: I'm pretty sure its the combination of WAR overlay and this build of Maven Integration for WTP: Actually trying to downgrade to 0.14...


It was the plugin in combination with a WAR overlay. Fixed it with this nightly build:http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/m2eclipse-wtp-e37/all/repo/(version 0.16.xxx)

I saw that this URL http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/m2eclipse-wtp-staging/all/repo/provides version 15.2.xxx, which might be a better (first) try, as I have no idea what other issues will pop up with 16.xxx nightly...

这篇关于Eclipse WTP / m2eclipse - 既不能清理也不能发布到tomcat的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-15 14:52