What is the difference between Data transfer costs and Bandwidth costs in AWS??
When I view my AWS bills, I see there are 2 types of expenses in Data Transfers tab, one of Data Transfer and one on Bandwidth costs. I tried to search a lot on this but could not get a clear demarcation on the difference between the two.
是的,那 令人困惑!
数据传输部分的顶部似乎是区域之间的数据传输.从 Amazon EC2定价页面:
The top Data Transfer part seems to be data transfer between regions. From the Amazon EC2 pricing page:
The bottom Bandwidth part seems to be what is normally called Data Transfer (and the line items even use that wording).
因此,我想数据传输"是在区域之间 ,而带宽是到Internet的.
So, I guess "Data Transfer" is between regions, while Bandwidth is out to the Internet.