

我有2种表单,我想共享一个 TActionManager 并分配 TAction -s。

I have 2 forms which I'd like to share one single TActionManager and assigned TAction-s.

第一个表单是主表单-它包含 TActionManager TAction

First form is main form - it holds TActionManager, TAction with caption "Action".


Main menu of Form1 has this action and menuitem caption property set to "Action A".Form2 includes Form1 and also assigns action to menuitem and caption is set to "Action B".

在设计期间,一切看起来都很好-菜单项命名为 Form1和Form2中的动作A和动作B,并分配了相同的动作。在运行时,它也可以正常工作(对两种形式都正确处理了OnExecute)。

During design time everything looks good - menu items are named "Action A" and "Action B" in Form1 and Form2 and same action is assigned. It also works fine during runtime (OnExecute is properly processed for both forms).


However - during runtime, Form1 menu item has caption "Action A" and Form2 has menu item caption "Action" just like the action caption.


Am I including them incorrectly, is it possible to include Form1 on Form2 to share action and to change caption? Is it a bug in D2010 / CB2010?


  1. 创建Form1是D2010 / CB2010中的错误吗?和Form2,并同时添加主菜单

  2. 将TActionManager拖放到Form1中并在其中创建Action1。

  3. 在Form1 Action1中分配菜单项,然后进行修改标题(标题现在显示为粗体,表明已更改为默认值)

  4. 在Form2中还分配了菜单项Action1(来自Form1 TActionManager),并且还更改了默认标题。

  5. 在运行时中,Form1更改了标题(与Action1.Caption不同),并且Form2与Action1.Caption拥有相同的标题,尽管标题应该是在步骤4中更改的新值。

  1. Create Form1 and Form2 and add main menu to both
  2. Drop TActionManager to Form1 and create Action1 in it.
  3. Assign menu item in Form1 Action1 and after that modify Caption (caption is shown now as bold indicating change from default value)
  4. Assign menu item in Form2 also Action1 (from Form1 TActionManager) and also change default caption.
  5. During runtime now Form1 has changed caption (different from Action1.Caption), and Form2 has identical caption to Action1.Caption although the caption should be new value as changed in step 4.



I reproduced your issue and indeed, this is strange behaviour. Besides the obvious question why to change the menu items captions, the following should work:

设置两个菜单项的 Action 属性执行相同的操作。现在,菜单项的标题已链接到操作的标题,并请注意,它们不再存储(它们在对象检查器中不再显示为粗体)。随后,将标题从菜单项更改为独立的值,并注意现在已将其存储,并且菜单项的确在设计时进行了相应更改。

Set both menu item's Action property to the same action. Now the captions of the menu items are linked to that of the action and note that they are not stored any longer (they appear not bold in the object inspector). Subsequently, change the captions from the menu items to independent values, and note that they now are stored and that the menu items indeed change accordingly at designtime.


But at runtime, the caption of the second menuitem indeed follows that of the action again. This should not happen in my opinion.


What I did not reproduce is the inabbility to change it at runtime. The following works as expected (D7 here):

procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  mnuAction1.Caption := 'Action B';


Sure you are changing the caption of the menu items instead of that of the action?


09-09 07:00