我有一个在Heroku上运行的Java应用程序,需要访问Salesforce,它只允许来自您白名单的IP的API访问。 是一款Heroku插件,可让您代理应用程序通过一个应用程序完成的所有请求带有静态IP的服务器。不幸的是,这样做的标准方式 - - 为我的应用程序的网络服务器创建一个监听套接字, 。
URL proximo = new URL(System.getenv('PROXIMO_URL')
字符串userInfo = proximo.getUserInfo()
字符串user = userInfo.substring(0,userInfo.indexOf(':'))
字符串密码= userInfo.substring(userInfo.indexOf(':')+ 1)
私有类ProxyAuth扩展了Authenticator {
private PasswordAuthentication passwordAuthentication;
passwordAuthentication = new PasswordAuthentication(user,password.toCharArray())
$ b $ @覆盖
protected PasswordAuthenticatio getPasswordAuthentication(){
I've got a Java app that runs on Heroku that needs to access Salesforce, which only allows API access from IPs that you whitelist. Proximo is a Heroku add-on that allows you to proxy all of the requests your app makes through a single server with a static IP. Unfortunately, the standard way of doing this—running your app within Proximo's wrapper—mucks up the creating of a listening socket for my app's webserver, as it seems to for a number of folks.
How can I use Proximo as a SOCKS proxy in my Java application?
I looked that stacklet that they distribute as the aforementioned wrapper and saw that it connects to the Proximo server as a SOCKS proxy. That's easy to do in Java, so I added this to the startup of my app (Groovy syntax):
URL proximo = new URL(System.getenv('PROXIMO_URL')
String userInfo = proximo.getUserInfo()
String user = userInfo.substring(0, userInfo.indexOf(':'))
String password = userInfo.substring(userInfo.indexOf(':') + 1)
System.setProperty('socksProxyHost', proximo.getHost())
System.setProperty('socksProxyPort', '1080')
Authenticator.setDefault(new ProxyAuth(user, password))
With that ProxyAuth being an inner class elsewhere:
private class ProxyAuth extends Authenticator {
private PasswordAuthentication passwordAuthentication;
private ProxyAuth(String user, String password) {
passwordAuthentication = new PasswordAuthentication(user, password.toCharArray())
protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
return passwordAuthentication;