本文介绍了使用正则表达式和 Python 进行短语匹配的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




I have some short phrases that I want to match on. I used a regex as follows:

(^|)(piston|piston ring)( |$)

使用上述内容,regex.match("piston ring") 匹配piston".如果我更改正则表达式,使较长的短语活塞环"先出现,那么它会按预期工作.

Using the above, regex.match("piston ring") matches on "piston". If I change the regex such that the longer phrase "piston ring" comes first then it work as expected.


I was surprised by this behavior as I was assuming that the greedy nature of regex would try to match the longest string "for free."


What am I missing? Can somebody explain this? Thanks!


在正则表达式中使用交替 (|) 时,会按从左到右的顺序尝试每个选项,直到找到匹配项.因此,在您的示例中,由于可以使用 piston 进行匹配,因此永远不会尝试 piston ring.

When using alternation (|) in regular expressions, each option is attempted in order from left to right until a match can be found. So in your example since a match can be made with piston, piston ring will never be attempted.


A better way to write this regex would be something like this:

(^|)(piston( ring)?)( |$)

这将尝试匹配 'piston',然后立即尝试匹配 ' ring',其中 ? 使其成为可选.或者,只需确保在交替开始时出现更长的选项.

This will attempt to match 'piston', and then immediately attempt to match ' ring', with the ? making it optional. Alternatively just make sure your longer options occur at the beginning of the alternation.

您可能还想考虑使用 词边界\b,而不是 (^|)(|$).

You may also want to consider using a word boundary, \b, instead of (^|) and ( |$).

这篇关于使用正则表达式和 Python 进行短语匹配的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-09 00:51