


我正在构建一个Aurelia应用程序,该应用程序将不在网站的根目录下运行.其URL将类似于 http://mycompany.com/neatoApp .

I am building an Aurelia application that will not live at the root of the web site. Its URL will be something like this http://mycompany.com/neatoApp.


I have a route configuration that looks like this

{route:['','index'], name:'index',moduleId:'index' nave:true, title: 'neato app home'},
{route:['news'], name:'news',moduleId:'news' nave:true, title: 'neato app news'}

我已经配置了System.js,以便它知道/neatoApp是baseURL,并且可以正确下载所有脚本和内容.我的应用html头中有一个< base href ="/neatoApp"/> 元素,并且我正在使用pushState进行路由.

I have System.js configured so that it knows /neatoApp is the baseURL and it downloads all the scripts and things properly.I have a <base href="/neatoApp" /> element in the head of my app html and I'm using pushState for routing.


The problem is when I navigate to mycompany.com/neatoApp Aurelia reports 'Route not found: /neatoApp'


Router has a baseUrl property that doesn't seem to matter what I set its value to because the route recognizer doesn't use it.


I really don't want to put neatoApp in all my routes for a few good reasons: As the app gets deployed in various places (dev, test, etc) that base path will change making that a headache to maintain. It's not the developers responsibility to know where the app is going to be deployed in various environments and it's not the operations guy's responsibility to update the code to include that base URL when he deploys it. When I do include neatoApp in the routing config it makes navigating behave strangely like generating a link that points to /neatoApp/neatoApp.


Does anybody have a solution to this problem?

我创建了一个插件来演示该问题: http://plnkr.co/edit/HPEzClAlncvQkSzjw6ph?p =预览

I have created a plunker to demonstrate the issue: http://plnkr.co/edit/HPEzClAlncvQkSzjw6ph?p=preview


对于我的MVC 5应用程序,我在Index.cshtml中使用它:

For my MVC 5 app, I use this in my Index.cshtml:

<script src="~/jspm_packages/system.js"></script>
    System.config({ baseURL: "@Url.Content("~/")" });
<script src="~/config.js"></script>


And have commented out the baseUrl in config.js. BaseUrl needs to be set in the first call to System.config().

  //baseURL: "./",
  defaultJSExtensions: true,



09-08 19:29