我了解到,我们应该assgin一个.bin文件到的Siverlight MultiScaleImage的来源属性。例如,我在这里学会了(指的是在部分事件匿名方法code样品),
I learned we should assgin a .bin file to the Source attribute of Siverlight MultiScaleImage. For example, I learned from here (refers to code sample in section Anonymous Methods for Events),
<一个href="http://www.soulsolutions.com.au/Blog/tabid/73/EntryId/410/Silverlight-Deep-Zoom-Sample-$c$c-Part-2.aspx" rel="nofollow">http://www.soulsolutions.com.au/Blog/tabid/73/EntryId/410/Silverlight-Deep-Zoom-Sample-$c$c-Part-2.aspx
不过,我一直使用的Deep Zoom Composor的导出功能将不会产生.bin文件尝试。这里是我的屏幕快照。任何想法有什么不好?
But I have tried using export function of Deep Zoom Composor will never generate .bin file. Here are my screen snapshots. Any ideas what is wrong?
(我使用VSTS 2008 +的.Net 3.5 + C#。)
(I am using VSTS 2008 + .Net 3.5 + C#.)
The MultiScaleImage control's Source property can be set in a couple different ways. If you're setting it in XAML, you can point to the dzc_output.xml file (located in the GeneratedImages folder) directly like so:
<MultiScaleImage x:Name="Foo" Source="/GeneratedImages/dzc_output.xml" />
You can also set it in code, you you need to take the extra step of assigning it as a DeepZoomImageTileSource:
Foo.Source = new DeepZoomImageTileSource(
new Uri("/GeneratedImages/dzc_output.xml", UriKind.Relative));