


I'm going to enter MIT's battlecode competition. The entrants write programs that control robots that fight each other. The catch is that your robots are limited to executing a certain amount of bytecode in a turn (last year it was 10000 per turn). Now, a simple looplike

(int i=0; i<100; i++){
// do nothing

用于检查i< 100)* 100 = 400字节码)所以我们必须编写非常严格的代码。因此,当我尝试一些不同的导航算法时,重要的是我能够弄清楚我的代码使用了多少字节码 - 我该怎么做?

uses, according to their software, approximately 400 bytecode (presumably something like(2 bytecode for incrementing i plus 2 bytecodefor checking if i<100) * 100 = 400 bytecode) so we have to write very tight code. Hence, as I try out some different navigation algorithms its important that I be able to figure out how much bytecode my code is using -- how can I do this?

(有可能 - 他们这样做,我只是不确定如何!而且,他们必须阻止JIT以某种方式进入游戏。我知道每个机器人在一个单独的线程中运行,所以我确定

(It IS possible -- they do it, I'm just not sure how! Also, they must stop the JIT from coming into play somehow. I know that each robot is run in a separate Thread, so I'm surethe answer involves some sort of Thread trickery I don't know about.)



Looking over their source code, they use the asm bytecode manipulator http://asm.ow2.org/ to do the counting.


10-15 17:00