本文介绍了编码和解码 3D MPO 文件 Objective-C的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



MPO 文件是包含两个静止图像的文件,通常用于 3D 相机.

A MPO file is a file that contains two still images and is commonly used by 3D cameras.

我想将两张 jpg 图像转换为一个 MPO 文件,然后做相反的操作.

I would like to convert two jpg images into one MPO file and also do the opposite.

我的平台是 iOS(目标 C).

My Platform for this is iOS (Objective C).

我已经找到了:解码 MPO 立体图像中的 mpf exif 块文件但它或多或少是这种 MPO 文件的二进制结构.有谁知道在 iOS 中使用的现有转换器或实现此类转换器的任何提示?

I already found this:Decoding an mpf exif block in an MPO stereo image filebut it is more or less the binary structure of such a MPO file.Does anyone knows an already existing converter to use in iOS or any hints to implement such a converter?



没有现有的转换器可以这样做,但是使用 pavel 发布的信息可以让您将两个图像拼接在一起.遗憾的是,在那之后,由于工作变动,我没有机会深入研究它.我最近刚回来.

There are no existing converters to do so, but using the info posted by pavel will let you stitch two images together. Sadly I didn't have a chance to look into it much after that due to job changes. I have recently just come back to it.

要将两个图像拼接在一起,您需要获取两个现有的 jpeg,获取它们的数据,然后创建 MPO 标题(实际上说明很少,只说明有多少图像以及它们的作用),以及显示图像之间的分离,这就是我和帕维尔在我们之间展示的.

To stitch two images together you need to take two existing jpegs, take their data, and create the MPO header (which actually says very little, just how many images there are and what they do), and the data that shows the separation between the images, which is what I and pavel showed between us.

研究 iOS 应用程序的其他复杂性是,您无法从 SD 自动打开 MPO,因为您无法访问它,或者像在 OSX 上那样将自己注册为 MPO 的处理程序.

Additional complications looking into doing an iOS application, is you can't open MPOs automatically from the SD, as you have no access to that, or way of registering yourself as a handler for MPOs, as you could on OSX.

这篇关于编码和解码 3D MPO 文件 Objective-C的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-08 10:31