


I'm trying to get started with JMH under Eclipse. I can build a jar to execute from the command line but would also like me be able to run it directly within Eclipse for ease of development.


java.lang.RuntimeException: ERROR: Unable to find the resource: /META-INF/BenchmarkList

我正在使用来自 http://nitschinger.at的简单入门案例/使用JMH-for-Java-Microbenchmarking/:

public class MyBenchmark {

    public void testMethod() {
        // This is a demo/sample template for building your JMH benchmarks. Edit as needed.
        // Put your benchmark code here.

    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
          Options opts = new OptionsBuilder()
//            .jvmArgs("-server")
//            .outputFormat(OutputFormatType.TextReport)

          new Runner(opts).run();


I generated the POM as specified in the JMH docs and added the exec-maven-plugin as specified in JMH Unable to find the resource: /META-INF/BenchmarkList:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">


    <name>JMH benchmark sample: Java</name>

    <!-- This is the demo/sample template build script for building Java benchmarks 
        with JMH. Edit as needed. -->




        <!-- JMH version to use with this project. -->

        <!-- Java source/target to use for compilation. -->

        <!-- Name of the benchmark Uber-JAR to generate. -->

<!--            <plugin>
            </plugin> -->
                                    <!-- Shading signed JARs will fail without this. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/999489/invalid-signature-file-when-attempting-to-run-a-jar -->


<!--            <plugin>
                        <classpath />
            </plugin> -->

                                <classpath />



I'm launching with an Eclipse Run Configuration as follows:


I can see that the missing resource /META-INF/BenchmarkList /is/ in the jar but /not/ in the /target directory.


Is it possible to get this executing under Eclipse?


我一直在Eclipse中运行JMH测试(出于调试目的),但是我在运行测试之前分别运行maven build,而将测试作为Java应用程序执行:

I run JMH tests in Eclipse all the time (for debug purposes), but I run maven build separately before running tests, while tests are executed as a Java application:


  1. 右键单击项目
  2. 选择运行方式,
  3. 选择"Maven构建"并将目标指定为clean install


(this step can also be done in command line by running the same goals)


  1. 右键单击项目
  2. 选择运行方式,
  3. 选择Java应用程序,然后选择Main - org.openjdk.jmh或创建的主程序
  1. Right click on project,
  2. Select Run As,
  3. Select Java Application and choose either Main - org.openjdk.jmh or the main you created


09-24 18:18