


我刚刚在我的Windows 8笔记本电脑上安装了android开发包。我正在尝试安装第一个应用程序你好世界()到我的Nexus 7(2012)版本4.4.2,但不起作用。


$ b $ X-4545454545 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 200 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X-
< manifest xmlns:android =http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android
package =com.example.myfirstapp
android:versionCode = 1
android:versionName =1.0>

< uses-sdk
android:minSdkVersion =8
android:targetSdkVersion =19/>

< application
android:allowBackup =true
android:icon =@ drawable / ic_launcher
android:label =@ string / app_name
android:theme =@ style / AppTheme> X-45454545 X- 20045 X-4545 X- 20045 X- 20045 X-4545 X- 20045 X-4545 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045 X- 20045
< intent-filter>
< action android:name =android.intent.action.MAIN/>

< category android:name =android.intent.category.LAUNCHER/>
< / intent-filter>
< / activity>
< / application>

< / manifest>


新评新新新旗新新新新旗新新旗新新旗旗新新新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗200新新新旗新新旗新新旗200新新新新旗新新旗200新新新新旗新新旗200新新新新旗200新新新新旗200新新新200新新新新旗200新新新新旗200新新新200新新新新旗200新新新旗200新新新新旗200新新新200新新新新旗200新新新新旗200新新新200新新新旗200新新新200新新新新旗200新新新200新新新旗200新新新200新新新新旗200新新新新旗200新新新200新新新旗200新新新200新新新旗200新新新新旗200新新新200新新200新新200新新新旗200新新新新旗200 -  myFirstApplication] ------------------------------ 

[2014-04-04 15:18 :43 - myFirstApplication] Android发布!

[2014-04-04 15:18:43 - myFirstApplication] adb正常运行。

[2014-04-04 15:18:43 - myFirstApplication]没有发现Launcher活动!

[2014-04-04 15:18:43 - myFirstApplication]启动将只同步设备上的应用程序包!

[2014-04-04 15:18:43 - myFirstApplication]执行同步

[2014-04-04 15:18:44 - myFirstApplication]自动目标模式:使用设备'mydeviceinfo'

[2014-04-04 15:18:44 - myFirstApplication]将myFirstApplication.apk上传到设备'mydeviceinfo'
[2014-04-04 15:18:新评新新新新新旗新新新新旗新新旗200新新新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗200新新新旗200新新新新旗新新旗200新新新旗200新新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗200新新旗新新旗200

[2014-04-04 15:18:47 - myFirstApplication] \myFirstApplication\bin\myFirstApplication.apk安装在设备上

[2014-04-04 15:18:47 - myFirstApplication]完成!新评新新新旗新新新新旗新新旗旗新新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗旗新新旗旗新新旗旗新新旗新新旗新旗新旗新旗新旗新旗新旗新旗新旗新新旗新新旗新旗新旗新旗新新新新旗新旗新旗新旗新新新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新旗新旗新旗新新新新旗新旗新旗新旗新//stackoverflow.com/questions/22629568/couldnt-load-memtrack-module-logcat-error\">不能加载memtrack模块Logcat错误,但我无法看到我需要为此情况做什么


如果在同一应用程序中存在较新版本(与manifest.xml中定义的版本代码相比) 200的X- 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 -40 200 X- 200 200 X- 200 200:20045 200 X-


Update: After I removed and reinstalled bundle problem only remains on emulator

I've just installed the android development bundle on my windows 8 laptop. I'm trying to install the first app "hello world" (http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/creating-project.html) to my Nexus 7 (2012) version 4.4.2 but its not working.

Using the logcat viewer (whilst the build is taking place) I can see it is reporting:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:versionName="1.0" >

        android:targetSdkVersion="19" />

        android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >
            android:label="@string/app_name" >
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />


Console output:

[2014-04-04 15:18:35 - myFirstApplication] Dx 
trouble writing output: already prepared

[2014-04-04 15:18:43 - myFirstApplication] ------------------------------

[2014-04-04 15:18:43 - myFirstApplication] Android Launch!

[2014-04-04 15:18:43 - myFirstApplication] adb is running normally.

[2014-04-04 15:18:43 - myFirstApplication] No Launcher activity found!

[2014-04-04 15:18:43 - myFirstApplication] The launch will only sync the application package on the device!

[2014-04-04 15:18:43 - myFirstApplication] Performing sync

[2014-04-04 15:18:44 - myFirstApplication] Automatic Target Mode: using device 'mydeviceinfo'

[2014-04-04 15:18:44 - myFirstApplication] Uploading myFirstApplication.apk onto device 'mydeviceinfo'
[2014-04-04 15:18:44 - myFirstApplication] Installing myFirstApplication.apk...

[2014-04-04 15:18:47 - myFirstApplication] Success!

[2014-04-04 15:18:47 - myFirstApplication] \myFirstApplication\bin\myFirstApplication.apk installed on device

[2014-04-04 15:18:47 - myFirstApplication] Done!

I've started looking at a similar post Couldn't load memtrack module Logcat Error but i can't see what i would need to do for this situation


If there is a newer version (compare to the version code defined in your manifest.xml) of the same Application in the target emulator, you will get error as you mentioned.

Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
failed to load memtrack module: -2


09-23 10:10