Faster rcnn:
from gluoncv.data.transforms.presets.rcnn import FasterRCNNDefaultTrainTransform
from gluoncv.data.transforms.presets.rcnn import FasterRCNNDefaultValTransform
这两个变化里,注意import方式,pip 进来就修改site-package里面的文件。
class FasterRCNNDefaultTrainTransform(object):
"""Default Faster-RCNN training transform. Parameters
short : int, default is 600
Resize image shorter side to ``short``.
max_size : int, default is 1000
Make sure image longer side is smaller than ``max_size``.
net : mxnet.gluon.HybridBlock, optional
The faster-rcnn network. .. hint:: If net is ``None``, the transformation will not generate training targets.
Otherwise it will generate training targets to accelerate the training phase
since we push some workload to CPU workers instead of GPUs. mean : array-like of size 3
Mean pixel values to be subtracted from image tensor. Default is [0.485, 0.456, 0.406].
std : array-like of size 3
Standard deviation to be divided from image. Default is [0.229, 0.224, 0.225].
box_norm : array-like of size 4, default is (1., 1., 1., 1.)
Std value to be divided from encoded values.
num_sample : int, default is 256
Number of samples for RPN targets.
pos_iou_thresh : float, default is 0.7
Anchors larger than ``pos_iou_thresh`` is regarded as positive samples.
neg_iou_thresh : float, default is 0.3
Anchors smaller than ``neg_iou_thresh`` is regarded as negative samples.
Anchors with IOU in between ``pos_iou_thresh`` and ``neg_iou_thresh`` are
pos_ratio : float, default is 0.5
``pos_ratio`` defines how many positive samples (``pos_ratio * num_sample``) is
to be sampled. """
def __init__(self, short=600, max_size=1000, net=None, mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406),
std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225), box_norm=(1., 1., 1., 1.),
num_sample=256, pos_iou_thresh=0.7, neg_iou_thresh=0.3,
pos_ratio=0.5, **kwargs):
self._short = short
self._max_size = max_size
self._mean = mean
self._std = std
self._anchors = None
if net is None:
return # use fake data to generate fixed anchors for target generation
ashape = 128
# in case network has reset_ctx to gpu
anchor_generator = copy.deepcopy(net.rpn.anchor_generator)
anchors = anchor_generator(
mx.nd.zeros((1, 3, ashape, ashape))).reshape((1, 1, ashape, ashape, -1))
self._anchors = anchors
# record feature extractor for infer_shape
if not hasattr(net, 'features'):
raise ValueError("Cannot find features in network, it is a Faster-RCNN network?")
self._feat_sym = net.features(mx.sym.var(name='data'))
from ....model_zoo.rpn.rpn_target import RPNTargetGenerator
self._target_generator = RPNTargetGenerator(
num_sample=num_sample, pos_iou_thresh=pos_iou_thresh,
neg_iou_thresh=neg_iou_thresh, pos_ratio=pos_ratio,
stds=box_norm, **kwargs) def __call__(self, src, label):
"""Apply transform to training image/label."""
# resize shorter side but keep in max_size
h, w, _ = src.shape
img = timage.resize_short_within(src, self._short, self._max_size, interp=1)
bbox = tbbox.resize(label, (w, h), (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])) # random horizontal flip
h, w, _ = img.shape
img, flips = timage.random_flip(img, px=0.5)
bbox = tbbox.flip(bbox, (w, h), flip_x=flips[0]) # to tensor
img = mx.nd.image.to_tensor(img)
img = mx.nd.image.normalize(img, mean=self._mean, std=self._std) if self._anchors is None:
return img, bbox.astype(img.dtype)
# print 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlabal',label.shape
# print label[:,5]
# generate RPN target so cpu workers can help reduce the workload
# feat_h, feat_w = (img.shape[1] // self._stride, img.shape[2] // self._stride)
oshape = self._feat_sym.infer_shape(data=(1, 3, img.shape[1], img.shape[2]))[1][0]
anchor = self._anchors[:, :, :oshape[2], :oshape[3], :].reshape((-1, 4))
gt_bboxes = mx.nd.array(bbox[:, :4])
cls_target, box_target, box_mask = self._target_generator(
gt_bboxes, anchor, img.shape[2], img.shape[1],label[:,5])
return img, bbox.astype(img.dtype), cls_target, box_target, box_mask
from ....model_zoo.rpn.rpn_target import RPNTargetGenerator
class RPNTargetGenerator(gluon.Block):
"""RPN target generator network. Parameters
num_sample : int, default is 256
Number of samples for RPN targets.
pos_iou_thresh : float, default is 0.7
Anchor with IOU larger than ``pos_iou_thresh`` is regarded as positive samples.
neg_iou_thresh : float, default is 0.3
Anchor with IOU smaller than ``neg_iou_thresh`` is regarded as negative samples.
Anchors with IOU in between ``pos_iou_thresh`` and ``neg_iou_thresh`` are
pos_ratio : float, default is 0.5
``pos_ratio`` defines how many positive samples (``pos_ratio * num_sample``) is
to be sampled.
stds : array-like of size 4, default is (1., 1., 1., 1.)
Std value to be divided from encoded regression targets.
allowed_border : int or float, default is 0
The allowed distance of anchors which are off the image border. This is used to clip out of
border anchors. You can set it to very large value to keep all anchors. """
def __init__(self, num_sample=256, pos_iou_thresh=0.7, neg_iou_thresh=0.3,
pos_ratio=0.5, stds=(1., 1., 1., 1.), allowed_border=0):
super(RPNTargetGenerator, self).__init__()
self._num_sample = num_sample
self._pos_iou_thresh = pos_iou_thresh
self._neg_iou_thresh = neg_iou_thresh
self._pos_ratio = pos_ratio
self._allowed_border = allowed_border
self._bbox_split = BBoxSplit(axis=-1)
self._sampler = RPNTargetSampler(num_sample, pos_iou_thresh, neg_iou_thresh, pos_ratio)
self._cls_encoder = SigmoidClassEncoder()
self._box_encoder = NormalizedBoxCenterEncoder(stds=stds) # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
def forward(self, bbox, anchor, width, height,hard_label):
RPNTargetGenerator is only used in data transform with no batch dimension.
Be careful there's numpy operations inside Parameters
bbox: (M, 4) ground truth boxes with corner encoding.
anchor: (N, 4) anchor boxes with corner encoding.
width: int width of input image
height: int height of input image Returns
cls_target: (N,) value +1: pos, 0: neg, -1: ignore
box_target: (N, 4) only anchors whose cls_target > 0 has nonzero box target
box_mask: (N, 4) only anchors whose cls_target > 0 has nonzero mask """
F = mx.nd
with autograd.pause():
# calculate ious between (N, 4) anchors and (M, 4) bbox ground-truths
# ious is (N, M)
ious = mx.nd.contrib.box_iou(anchor, bbox, format='corner')
N, M = ious.shape
# print '------------------ious.shape',ious.shape
# print ious[0:5,]
# print M==hard_label.size
# mask out invalid anchors, (N, 4)
a_xmin, a_ymin, a_xmax, a_ymax = F.split(anchor, num_outputs=4, axis=-1)
invalid_mask = (a_xmin < 0) + (a_ymin < 0) + (a_xmax >= width) + (a_ymax >= height)
invalid_mask = F.repeat(invalid_mask, repeats=bbox.shape[0], axis=-1)
ious = F.where(invalid_mask, mx.nd.ones_like(ious) * -1, ious) samples, matches = self._sampler(ious,hard_label) # training targets for RPN
cls_target, _ = self._cls_encoder(samples)
box_target, box_mask = self._box_encoder(
samples.expand_dims(axis=0), matches.expand_dims(0),
anchor.expand_dims(axis=0), bbox.expand_dims(0))
return cls_target, box_target[0], box_mask[0]
self._sampler = RPNTargetSampler(num_sample, pos_iou_thresh, neg_iou_thresh, pos_ratio)
class RPNTargetSampler(gluon.Block):
"""A sampler to choose positive/negative samples from RPN anchors Parameters
num_sample : int
Number of samples for RCNN targets.
pos_iou_thresh : float
Proposal whose IOU larger than ``pos_iou_thresh`` is regarded as positive samples.
neg_iou_thresh : float
Proposal whose IOU smaller than ``neg_iou_thresh`` is regarded as negative samples.
pos_ratio : float
``pos_ratio`` defines how many positive samples (``pos_ratio * num_sample``) is
to be sampled. """
def __init__(self, num_sample, pos_iou_thresh, neg_iou_thresh, pos_ratio):
super(RPNTargetSampler, self).__init__()
self._num_sample = num_sample
self._max_pos = int(round(num_sample * pos_ratio))
self._pos_iou_thresh = pos_iou_thresh
self._neg_iou_thresh = neg_iou_thresh
self._eps = np.spacing(np.float32(1.0)) # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
def forward(self, ious,hard_label):
"""RPNTargetSampler is only used in data transform with no batch dimension. Parameters
ious: (N, M) i.e. (num_anchors, num_gt). Returns
samples: (num_anchors,) value 1: pos, -1: neg, 0: ignore.
matches: (num_anchors,) value [0, M). """
for i,hard in enumerate(hard_label):
if hard == 1.0:
ious[:,i] = 0.5 matches = mx.nd.argmax(ious, axis=1) # samples init with 0 (ignore)
ious_max_per_anchor = mx.nd.max(ious, axis=1)
samples = mx.nd.zeros_like(ious_max_per_anchor) # set argmax (1, num_gt)
ious_max_per_gt = mx.nd.max(ious, axis=0, keepdims=True)
# ious (num_anchor, num_gt) >= argmax (1, num_gt) -> mark row as positive
mask = mx.nd.broadcast_greater(ious + self._eps, ious_max_per_gt)
# reduce column (num_anchor, num_gt) -> (num_anchor)
mask = mx.nd.sum(mask, axis=1)
# row maybe sampled by 2 columns but still only matches to most overlapping gt
samples = mx.nd.where(mask, mx.nd.ones_like(samples), samples) # set positive overlap to 1
samples = mx.nd.where(ious_max_per_anchor >= self._pos_iou_thresh,
mx.nd.ones_like(samples), samples)
# set negative overlap to -1
tmp = (ious_max_per_anchor < self._neg_iou_thresh) * (ious_max_per_anchor >= 0)
samples = mx.nd.where(tmp, mx.nd.ones_like(samples) * -1, samples) # subsample fg labels
samples = samples.asnumpy()
num_pos = int((samples > 0).sum())
if num_pos > self._max_pos:
disable_indices = np.random.choice(
np.where(samples > 0)[0], size=(num_pos - self._max_pos), replace=False)
samples[disable_indices] = 0 # use 0 to ignore # subsample bg labels
num_neg = int((samples < 0).sum())
# if pos_sample is less than quota, we can have negative samples filling the gap
max_neg = self._num_sample - min(num_pos, self._max_pos)
if num_neg > max_neg:
disable_indices = np.random.choice(
np.where(samples < 0)[0], size=(num_neg - max_neg), replace=False)
samples[disable_indices] = 0 # convert to ndarray
samples = mx.nd.array(samples, ctx=matches.context)
return samples, matches
加上自己的hard部分,默认0.7~0.3 既不是正样本,也不是负样本。
很多教程一本正经说Faster rcnn 的网络结构如下:
不可否认的,但是绝对不是gluon cv 的faster rcnn网络结构,后面的全连接层是RCNN层,想要达到更好的效果处理难样本,那里同样需要修改。