


我已经查看了使用mgo在MongoDB中进行有效的分页并问到 https://stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/25723764

我收到了@icza的出色回答,他分享了他的库 https://github.com/icza/minquery .

I got the excelent response provided by @icza who shares his library https://github.com/icza/minquery.

但是,正如他所说,从MongoDB 4.2开始,必须提供索引提示.请使用minquery.NewWithHint()构造函数."

However, as he said, "Starting with MongoDB 4.2, an index hint must be provided. Use the minquery.NewWithHint() constructor."


The problem is that minquery.NewWithHint() constructor seems to only be available in version 2.0.0, which changed gopkg.in/mgo.v2 support for github.com/globalsign/mgo support.


How can I solve this problem ?


gopkg.in/mgo.v2长期未维护.最简单的解决方案是切换到github.com/globalsign/mgo mgo驱动程序.它具有相同的API,因此很可能只需更改导入路径.它在某种程度上得到了支持,但我相信它会逐渐消失,取而代之的是 official mongo-go 驱动程序.如果您选择切换到mongo-go,则具有内置"支持,可为查询指定索引min参数.但是请知道mongo-go驱动程序具有不同的API.

gopkg.in/mgo.v2 has long gone unmaintained. The easiest solution for you would be to switch to the github.com/globalsign/mgo mgo driver. It has identical API, so most likely you only have to change the import paths. It is sill somewhat supported, but I believe it will fade away in favor of the official mongo-go driver. If you would choose to switch to mongo-go, that has "built-in" support for specifying the index min parameter for queries. But know that the mongo-go driver has different API.


Another option would be to fork minquery, and apply the commits I made to the v2.0.0 version, including support for the index hints.



09-08 08:44