< http://www.w3.org/TR/xforms/> 引入为 " XForms是一个XML应用程序它代表了Web的下一代 表格。通过将传统的XHTML表单分成三个部分?XForms模型,实例数据和用户界面?它将表示与内容分开,允许重用,提供强类型?减少 到服务器的往返次数,以及提供设备独立性和减少脚本编写的需求。 XForms不是一种独立的文档类型,而是打算将其集成到其他标记语言中,例如XHTML或SVG。 所以XHTML文档的一部分可能是XForms元素和属性,然后支持XForms的a浏览器将呈现这些表单,用户可以输入数据并将数据提交给服务器,PHP 或Java可以处理它。 - Martin Honnen http://JavaScript.FAQTs.com/ 不,完全没有。 可以使用XForms从PHP或Java中,但它不能用于 隔离(用于有用的工作)。它不是一种编程语言, 它是一种定义接口的语言。编程的其他部分比 挂在这些界面上。 如果你必须将XForms与somthing进行比较,那么这是一个有趣的问题 询问它如何适应AJAX。即使这些都不能直接比较,但是他们都在为同一个发展中市场的一部分而战。 所以这些是Web开发的首选方法,对Linux有一个倾斜的 。 I am a bit confused about XML forms, is this similar to web programminglanguages like PHP and java ? In particular do you use a compiler orspecial server to view these XML forms pages and can you program aninterface with these or is it just a format, if it is what popularsystems integrate them into the developement ? 解决方案It is not clear what your question refers to.There is XForms 1.0, a W3C recommendation<http://www.w3.org/TR/xforms/>that is introduced as"XForms is an XML application that represents the next generation offorms for the Web. By splitting traditional XHTML forms into threeparts?XForms model, instance data, and user interface?it separatespresentation from content, allows reuse, gives strong typing?reducingthe number of round-trips to the server, as well as offering deviceindependence and a reduced need for scripting.XForms is not a free-standing document type, but is intended to beintegrated into other markup languages, such as XHTML or SVG."So part of an XHTML document could be XForms elements and attributes anda browser supporting XForms would then render those forms, the usercould enter data and that data would be submitted to a server where PHPor Java could process it.--Martin Honnen http://JavaScript.FAQTs.com/No, not at all.XForms may be used from within PHP or Java, but it can''t be used inisolation (for useful work). It''s not a programming language as such,it''s a language for defining interfaces. Other bits of programming thanhang onto these interfaces.If you must compare XForms to somthing, it''s an interesting question toask how it fits in with AJAX. Even these aren''t directly comparable,but they''re both fighting for a portion of the same developing market. 这篇关于XML /表单与PHP和Java相比如何?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 1403页,肝出来的..
09-08 07:33