



从W3C网站上的XForms Working Group页面制定网络标准)写道:表格工作组于2015-04-08正式关闭。它还表示,可能会继续通过XForms用户社区小组开展工作,但用户社区小组自2015年10月以来尚未正式发布,除了询问XForms继续的人员之外。


为了更好地理解什么替代方案可以取代XForms,从W3C网站的XForms页面可以看出, XForms和HTML表单之间的差异,除了XML是XForms之外,是从收集各个值的控件的标记中分离出来的数据。因此,作为XForms页面上的一个示例,不是将HTML硬编码到表单中以呈现特定方式,而是使用XForms架构,并且设备,浏览器或应用程序检测表单中的数据类型并根据需要呈现数据该平台包括表单数据输入类型'select','input','secret','upload'以及XForms团队定义的其他类型。

知道XForms是否还在继续工作,或者它是否已经过时并被未来的软件所取代?或者,它是否已经过时并被未来的软件所取代? b
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类似的帖子: p PHP特点:

W3 XForms 2.0草案:




XForms和XForms 2.0的状态



截至2016年,在的范围内继续开展XForms 2.0方面的工作。这是一个小组,虽然由W3C托管,但它不是一个正式的W3C工作组。任何人都可以加入该组织。我们每周召开一次电话会议,并希望今年能够完成XForms 2.0规范。您可以在这里找到当前的草稿规范:

完成规范后,如果有兴趣,新的工作组可能被重新划定,但这不是给定的。这将成为使XForms 2.0成为官方W3C推荐标准的必要途径。

如果这种情况没有发生,那么XForms 2.0草稿将仍然存在,以供任何人查看在和执行。它没有推荐的力量,但是这个力量总是非常相对的。



  • 存在使用XML作为数据模型和其他与XML相关的规范

  • 关注于 规范
  • em> forms (而不是完整的应用程序开发)
  • 将控制外观与实现分离

  • 提供类似电子表格的模型数据依赖关系

  • 一般而言非常具有声明性,包括提示,帮助以及提示本地概念

此外,XPath 2.0 / 3.x还提供了令人惊讶的灵活语言,可以将属性,计算和控件绑定到数据模型。当前的XForms实现

现在有几个当前的XForms实现XForms的实现,包括XSLTForms和Orbeon Forms(我工作)。

虽然早在21世纪初期,公认的目标是让XForms最终实现替换 HTML表单,并且从这个角度来看,浏览器插件和Firefox实现已经开发出来了,这个想法在很长一段时间里并不是很流行。






如果您不关心XML所有或者不喜欢它,那么XForms并不是一个好的解决方案(至少在它提供对其他数据模型和绑定语言(如JSON / JavaScript)的支持之前)。挑选其中一个当前的UI框架将是一条可行的路线,但它们在许多方面仍然存在不足。



XForms was and/or is an XML markup that supports structured form data. It is a standard evolved from XML and was designed to be easily integrated into other current markup languages such as XHTML, ODF or SVG, or any "suitable markup language" as well as offer multi-platform and multi-browser support. More project goals are declared on the Working Group page I've linked below.

As I was doing research for handling forms with php, I noticed the PHP Features page offers support for handling XForms in php, but alas I did not know what XForms was, so the search began.

From the XForms Working Group page at the W3C website (the people who make the web standards) it's written that "The Forms Working Group was officially closed on 2015-04-08". It also says work may continue through the XForms user community group, but the users community group hasn't been officially posted on since October of 2015, except for that of people inquiring about the continuation of XForms.

The group seemed to have been working on a version 2.0 of XForms but it seems that it was never released since the W3C Standards page shows version 2.0 as a draft since August of 2012, and version 1.1 being the latest version which released in 2009. This is also linked below.

To better understand what alternatives might replace XForms, from the XForms page at the W3C website it is stated that the primary difference between XForms and HTML forms, apart from XForms being in XML, "is the separation of the data being collected from the markup of the controls collecting the individual values". So, as an example on the XForms page, instead of hardcoding HTML into the form to render a specific way, the XForms schema is used, and the device, browser or application detects the data type in the form and renders the data as appropriate for the platform, such as form data input types 'select', 'input', 'secret', 'upload' and others that the XForms team has defined.

Does anyone know if there is still work continuing on XForms or is it a dead or to-be-dead standard to be outdated and replaced by future software?

Also, does anyone know of any alternatives that have been put into place, or are being developed to replace XForms and software of the like?

Thanks for helping. I'm nowhere near an expert on XForms or its uses so if I've given any misinformation please correct me. Also, I cannot post more than 2 links in this post so I will leave the other related links in the comments.

EDIT: I also felt that the similar question asked in 2011 on this topic was outdated and not equipped to find software alternatives in the community.

Similar Post: Is XForms still a live standard?

PHP Features: http://php.net/manual/en/features.php

W3 XForms 2.0 Draft: https://www.w3.org/TR/xforms20/



I am writing as a former XForms Working Group member, and current XForms Community Group member (see below). The following is a personal opinion.

Status of XForms and XForms 2.0

A lot of information regarding XForms on the W3C site is obsolete, so I wouldn't take everything (if anything at all) you read there as gospel, but it is correct that W3C closed the XForms Working Group (and they did so with quite a bit of disrespect, I might add).

The group had been uncharted for a while, was hoping for a recharter, but that didn't happen. I should say that any XML activity at W3C is very low-priority for the organization at this point, even for the relatively more successful technologies like XSLT and XQuery.

However there is, as of 2016, continued work on XForms 2.0 in the context of the XForms community group. This is a small group, which although hosted by W3C is not an official W3C Working Group. Anybody can join that group. We hold weekly calls and hope to complete the XForms 2.0 specification this year. You can find the current draft specification here:

Once the specification is done, if there is interest, a new Working Group might be recharted, but that is not a given. This would be a necessary path to make XForms 2.0 an official W3C Recommendation.

If that doesn't happen, then the XForms 2.0 draft will still be there for anybody to look at and implement. It doesn't have the force of a Recommendation but that force has always been very relative anyway.

What sets XForms apart?

The following is not complete but these are some of the top aspects which, I think, set XForms apart:

  • being a specification rather than an implementation
  • using XML for the data model and other XML-related specifications
  • focusing on forms (rather than full-fledged app development)
  • separating control appearance from implementation
  • providing a spreadsheet-like model of data dependencies
  • being in general very declarative in nature, including making hints, help, and alert native concepts

In addition, XPath 2.0/3.x makes for a surprisingly flexible language to bind properties, calculations, and controls to data models. I think that it is hard to beat at this point.

Current XForms implementations

There are a few current implementations of XForms out there, including XSLTForms and Orbeon Forms (which I work on).

While back in the early 2000s the avowed goal was for XForms to eventually replace HTML forms, and in this perspective browser plugins and the Firefox implementation were developed, that idea has not been current for a very long time.

For years now, XForms hasn't depended on native browser support at all. All of XForms can be implemented in pure JavaScript, or with a combination of client/server parts, or within native applications.

Alternatives to XForms

I am not aware of any close alternatives to XForms based on the points listed above.

The elephant in the room is that XForms is based on the XML stack of technologies, and there is evidence that XML is no longer taking the world by storm (that is an understatement). But XML is still widely used in many contexts, and that's something to keep in mind.

If you deal with XML data, or at least don't mind XML, XForms remains a modern solution in 2016. You might look into existing implementations or into implementing your own (although that is not exactly trivial).

If you do not care about XML at all, or dislike it strongly, then XForms is not a great solution (at least until it provides support for additional data models and binding languages, like JSON / JavaScript). Picking one of the current UI frameworks will be the way to go, but they still fall short in many ways.

There are lots of UI frameworks using various underlying technologies (JavaScript being probably number one here, but you can count also TypeScript, Elm, Scala, and more) which are in constant evolution. These can be considered alternatives in that they allow you to build user interfaces and complex forms. Some frameworks have really good support for things like dependencies, some focus on providing nice UI controls, some on the UI update model, etc.

But I have not yet found a framework which covers all the bases as nicely as XForms does, although there is nothing that prevents that from happening in the future.


10-24 02:50