If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.


If you have dreams, you will not be defeated easily.

Big expectations, but small footprints, be sure that every step can take us to our goals.

Just like coding for a big project, we always break down the whole task into small function-blocks.

These small function-blockes, called as sub-programs or sub-modules, should be independent from each other, and provide interfaces for those who will call them.

After dividing into such small modules, the task would be much easier and would be more achieveable.

It is the same in our life when we pursue some big goals, try to divide the whole goal into several steps, realize them one by one, and we finally reach the big goals.

The good or ill of a man lies within his own will.


From Epictetus.

Would you like to be a good man or a bad man?

Whatever your choice is, you must be a capable man first, otherwise, whether you are good or evil, will be meaningless to the world.

According to the classical books about linux, there are six methods for interprocess communication, listed as folling:

Pipe, named pipe, signal, message queue, shared-memory, semaphore and socket.

Try to get a deep understanding about these mechanisms, what are their characteristics and how to choose the most suitable one for the practical applications?

04-25 04:24