



I've build a website that has two 'departments', let's say 'shoes' and 'caps'.There are two link at the top of the website, and with those links people can switch departments, and depending on which department they are on the styling and content is a bit different, some parts are the same, others are not.For posts both of these departments are a taxonomy, so a new post can belong to either one, or both.


我现在想要的是获取部门 'shoes' 中使用的所有 'brands' 的列表.

What I would like right now, is get a list of all 'brands' that are used in the department 'shoes'.

我知道您可以使用 wp_list_categoriesget_termsget_the_term_list 之类的函数来获取术语列表.但有可能做我想做的事吗?

I know you can use functions like wp_list_categories or get_terms or get_the_term_list to get list of a term. But is it possible to do what I want?


I hope my question is clear enough.


很有可能.如果您有常见品牌,您可能需要自定义查询.如果品牌之间没有重叠,我建议您将分类法分离为具有 shoes_brands 和 cap_brands,以便您可以使用内置函数/查询.

It is very possible. If you have common brands you may need a custom query. If there is no overlap between brands I would suggest you segregate the taxonomies to have shoe_brands and cap_brands so you can use a built in function/query.



09-08 03:25