I have downloaded opshub tool for the migration, trying to migrate from on premises to visualstydio team service. Getting error On the migration summary page with error message:
"Unable to communicate with the required process opshubtfsservice.Because probably it is not running. Restart application & try again"
I verified the opshub service is running as local service. I tried to restart & tried with Network service/local account etc. But no lock.
似乎您的计算机位于代理之后,所有进出的流量都通过该路由进行路由. (包括本地交通通讯)您将不得不绕过代理中的本地地址,并使OVSMU通过代理进行通信.
It seems that your machine is behind a proxy and all traffic in-out is being routed through it. (Including the communication of local traffic)You will have to bypass local addresses from the proxy as well as enable OVSMU to communicate through the proxy.
请参考 C:\ Program Files \ OpsHub Visual Studio迁移实用程序\ Other_Resources \ Resources \ ProxyUtility.zip ,以配置OVSMU以使用您的代理.应该有一个用户指南文档列出了这些步骤.将旁路本地地址值保留为默认值.
Please refer the C:\Program Files\OpsHub Visual Studio Migration Utility\Other_Resources\Resources\ProxyUtility.zip to configure OVSMU to utilize your proxy. There should be a user guide document which lists the steps.Keep the bypass local address value as default.
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