J $ = Mid $(H $,i,2) Strg $ = Strg $ + Chr $(Val(& H" + J $)) 下一页 ''Strg $现在包含加密字符串,你现在可以解密了。 ''解密。 Call Crypt(传递$,Strg $) ''strg $ now现在被解密 decrypt = Strg $ 结束功能 功能地穴(传递$,Strg $) Dim a,b Dim i As Integer a = 1 对于i = 1到Len(Strg $) b = Asc(Mid $(传递$,a,1)):a = a + 1:如果是Len(传递$)那么a = 1 Mid $(Strg $,i,1)= Chr $(Asc(Mid $(Strg $,i,1))Xor b) 下一页 结束功能Hello All,I have tried multiple online tools to convert an VB6 (bas) file toVB.NET file and no luck. I was hoping that someone could help me covertthis. I am new to the .NET world and still learning all help would begreatly apperciated.Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"Option ExplicitDim pass$Dim Strg$Function decrypt(ByVal H$) As StringDim i As Integer, J$pass$ = "THEFELDGROUP"''H$ = the buffered encrypted dataH$ = Mid$(H$, 3, Val(Left$(H$, 2)))'' debuffer itStrg$ = ""For i = 1 To Len(H$) Step 2J$ = Mid$(H$, i, 2)Strg$ = Strg$ + Chr$(Val("&H" + J$))Next''Strg$ now contains the encrypted string, which you can now''decrypt.Call Crypt(pass$, Strg$)''strg$ now is decrypteddecrypt = Strg$End FunctionFunction Crypt(pass$, Strg$)Dim a, bDim i As Integera = 1For i = 1 To Len(Strg$)b = Asc(Mid$(pass$, a, 1)): a = a + 1: If a Len(pass$) Then a =1Mid$(Strg$, i, 1) = Chr$(Asc(Mid$(Strg$, i, 1)) Xor b)NextEnd Function推荐答案 Dim StrgDim Strg 函数解密(ByVal HFunction decrypt(ByVal H)As String Dim i As Integer,J) As StringDim i As Integer, J 这篇关于需要帮助将VB6转换为VB.NET的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 1403页,肝出来的..
09-07 21:11