



一份电子报告有一个QAP,其中有一些Requirement.一个QAP 及其Requirement 可以用于多个E-Report.

每个Requirement 在每个电子报告中都会有一个是/否确认.我添加了 EReportReq 来存储需求确认值(用户将设置这些值).

而且,每个Requirement在每个E-Report上都会有多个Image.EReportReqImg 将存储 ImageRequirement 关系.


我的问题是关于 EReportReq 表.我不确定我是否需要一列作为主键 (EReportReqId) 或者我可以使用 eReportIdrequirementId 作为主键.>

如果我使用这两列,eReportIdrequirementId 作为主键,我需要将这两列添加到 EReportReqImg 表,所以我不知道这个方法是否比我的好.



您可以使用它们中的任何一个 - 它们都不是绝对更好"的.请注意,如果您决定使用第一种方法,还要在 {eReportId, requirementsId} 上创建一个 UNIQUE 约束.


  • 子表中的精简"外键(在本例中为 EReportReqImg) - 正如您已经注意到的,
  • 级联 ON UPDATE 不会传播到子级(因此,如果您更新 EReport.eReportId,则只有 EReportReq.eReportId 是级联更新的,而不是 EReportReqImg.eReportId)
  • 并且可以对 ORM 更加友好.


  • 对 JOIN 的需求可能较少(例如,您不需要 EReportReqImg JOIN EReportReq 只是为了找出 requirementId - 您直接在 EReportReqImg 中拥有它.requirementId),
  • 更适合集群表(例如,具有相同 eReportIdEReportReq 行将在物理上关闭"存储,这可能会显着有益于某些查询)
  • 避免在代理键上附加索引.

由于您有少量子表,胖"FK 无关紧要,而且由于我们正在处理 ID,因此它们不太可能更改,并且级联 ON UPDATE 不太可能成为问题.因此,我的直觉是采用第二种方法,但您可能还有其他一些考虑因素,可能会使您的决定转向不同的方向......

I have the following database design:

An E-Report has one QAP which has some Requirements. A QAP and its Requirements can be used in more than one E-Report.

Every Requirement will have a Yes/No confirmation in each E-Report. I've added EReportReq to store requirements confirmations values (users will set these values).

And also, each Requirement will have more than one Image on each E-Report. EReportReqImg will store Image and Requirement relationship.

If you need more details about this database model, please tell me.

My question is about EReportReq table. I'm not sure if I need a column as primary key (EReportReqId) or I can use eReportId and requirementId as primary key.

If I use these two columns, eReportId and requirementId as primary key, I will need to add these two to EReportReqImg table, so I don't know if this approach is better than mine.

What do you think?


You can use either of them - none of them is absolutely "better". Just be careful that if you decide to use the first approach, also create a UNIQUE constraint on {eReportId, requirementId}.

The fist approach (with non-identifying relationship and surrogate key) leads to:

  • "leaner" foreign keys in child tables (which is EReportReqImg in this case) - as you already noted,
  • the cascading ON UPDATE doesn't propagate to children (so if you update EReport.eReportId, only EReportReq.eReportId is cascade-updated, but not EReportReqImg.eReportId)
  • and can be more friendly to ORMs.

On the other hand, the second approach (with identifying relationship and natural keys):

  • has potentially less need for JOINs (e.g. you don't need to EReportReqImg JOIN EReportReq just to find-out requirementId - you have it directly in EReportReqImg.requirementId),
  • is better suited for clustered tables (e.g. EReportReq rows with the same eReportId will be stored physically "close", which may significantly benefit some queries)
  • avoids additional index on the surrogate key.

Since you have a small number of child tables, "fat" FKs don't matter much and since we are dealing with IDs, they are unlikely to change and cascading ON UPDATE is unlikely to be a problem. So, my instinct is to go with the second approach, but you might have some other considerations that might tip your decision in a different direction...



09-07 19:08