


我正在尝试编写一个程序,使与Windows配对的Wiimotes的管理更加简单和自动化.该程序使用 WiimoteLib (使用 hidsdi.h setupapi.h )连接到Wiimote设备,然后 32英尺 (使用 Windows蓝牙API )来自动配对/取消配对设备.配对程序/取消配对程序的代码基于 Wiipair .目前,该过程有些颠簸且缓慢,但是可以正常工作. (但仅适用于一个Wiimote)

I'm trying to write a program that makes management of Wiimotes paired with Windows a lot simpler and automated. The program uses WiimoteLib (which uses hidsdi.h and setupapi.h) to connect to Wiimote devices, and 32feet (uses Windows Bluetooth API) to automatically pair/unpair devices. The code for the pairer/unpairer is based off of Wiipair. At the moment, the process is a little bumpy and slow, but it works. (But only for one Wiimote)


The problem is that my module to pair/unpair Bluetooth devices has no information on how to identify if the HID device (used by the Wiimote class) is the same device. I want to be able to alert the Wiimote class if the Bluetooth device has been forcefully shutdown or unpaired so that it can gracefully disconnect itself. And vice-versa, I'd like the Wiimote to alert the pairer/unpairer when the HID device is disconnected so that the Bluetooth device can optionally be unpaired (assuming you plan on shutting down the Wiimote).


If I only wanted access to one Wiimote then this wouldn't be much of a problem, but I'd like to be able to access multiple Wiimotes and be able to differentiate them by using their HID info and Bluetooth Info. I'm already using plenty of my own P/Invoke to cover for areas that 32feet lacks in so using any more isn't a problem.

这是我的配对器的主要代码. (尽管我不确定是否真的必要):

Here's the main code for my pairer. (Although I'm not sure if it's really necessary):


(Note: IsDiscoverable(), ToPin(), and ToMacAddress() are all extension methods.)

// Once this is true, the Wiimote will
// attempt to connect to an HID device.
public bool IsAnyDeviceAvailable { get; private set; }

private void PairTask(CancellationToken token) {
    // Setup automatic authentication
    BluetoothWin32Authentication auth = new BluetoothWin32Authentication(OnHandleRequests);

    while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)

private void PairLoop(CancellationToken token) {
    // Get a copy of known addresses since
    // these are added to in another task.
    BluetoothAddress[] addresses;
    lock (knownAddresses)
        addresses = KnownAddresses.ToArray();

    bool available = false;
    foreach (BluetoothAddress address in addresses) {
        if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
        BluetoothDeviceInfo device = new BluetoothDeviceInfo(address);

        if (device.Connected) {
            if (!available && !IsAnyDeviceAvailable) {
                lock (knownAddresses)
                    IsAnyDeviceAvailable = true;
            available = true;
        if (device.Remembered) {
            RemoveDevice(device, token);
        else if (device.IsDiscoverable() && !device.Authenticated) {
            if (PairDevice(device, token, available))
                available = true;
    if (!available && IsAnyDeviceAvailable) {
        Trace.WriteLine("No more devices connected");
        lock (knownAddresses)
            IsAnyDeviceAvailable = false;

private void RemoveDevice(BluetoothDeviceInfo device, CancellationToken token) {
    if (BluetoothSecurity.RemoveDevice(device.DeviceAddress)) {
        Trace.WriteLine($"Wiimote removed: {device.DeviceAddress.ToMacAddress()}");

private bool PairDevice(BluetoothDeviceInfo device, CancellationToken token,
    bool available)
    string pin = device.DeviceAddress.ToPin();

    try {
        if (BluetoothSecurity.PairRequest(device.DeviceAddress, pin)) {
            Trace.WriteLine($"Wiimote authenticated: {device.DeviceAddress.ToMacAddress()}");
            // Calling this before and after seems to help unsure
            // the device works when paired programmatically.
            Guid[] services = device.InstalledServices;
            device.SetServiceState(Uuids.HumanInterfaceDeviceServiceClass_UUID, true, true);
            services = device.InstalledServices;
            Trace.WriteLine($"Wiimote paired: {device.DeviceAddress.ToMacAddress()}");


            if (!available && !IsAnyDeviceAvailable) {
                Trace.WriteLine("First device has been connected");
                lock (knownAddresses)
                    IsAnyDeviceAvailable = true;
            return true;
        else {
            Trace.WriteLine($"Wiimote authentication failed: {device.DeviceAddress.ToMacAddress()}");
    catch {
        Trace.WriteLine($"Wiimote pairing failed: {device.DeviceAddress.ToMacAddress()}");
    return false;

private void OnHandleRequests(object sender, BluetoothWin32AuthenticationEventArgs e) {
    e.Confirm = true;


  1. 您不需要与Wiimote配对.与Wiimote配对仅做一件事:Wiimote记住配对设备的MAC,然后可以将其运行并连接到它(太Wii或其他设备).但是,它在Windows上无法使用,因此不需要配对.如果您需要配对,请使用旧版PIN配对. PIN是按反向字节顺序的Wiimote MAC.

  1. You do not need to pair with your Wiimote. Pairing with Wiimote does only one thing: Wiimote remembers MAC of paired device and then can trun it ON and connect to it (too Wii or other device). However it doe snot work with Windows so pairing is not required. If you need pairing then use legacy PIN pairing. PIN is wiimote MAC in reversed bytes order.


Use BluetoothSetServiceState to add your wiimote as HID device into the system.

以下代码显示了如何通过其MAC查找Wiimote HID(代码摘自我们的无线通信库,其中包括对Wiimote的支持.

Here is code shows how to find Wiimote HID by its MAC (the code is taken from our Wireless Communication Library that includes support for Wiimote).

m_fInstalled = true;


    CwclStringList* Wiis = new CwclStringList();

    m_sDevicePath = WCL_EMPTY_STR;
    DWORD dwTik = GetTickCount();
    while (m_sDevicePath == WCL_EMPTY_STR && GetTickCount() - dwTik < 20000)
        if (EnumHID(*Wiis) == WCL_E_SUCCESS)
            CwclString sAddress = GetBluetoothParams()->GetAddress();
            CwclString sAdr = sAddress.Mid(1, 2) + sAddress.Mid(4, 2) + sAddress.Mid(7, 2) + sAddress.Mid(10, 2) + sAddress.Mid(13, 2) + sAddress.Mid(16, 2);
            HKEY hKey;
            CwclString aRegKey(WCL_WII_REG_KEY);
            DWORD dwRes = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, aRegKey, &hKey);
            if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS)
                aRegKey = CwclString(WCL_WII_REG_KEY_NEW);
            dwRes = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, aRegKey, &hKey);
            if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                DWORD dwNdx = 0;
                WCHAR szSubKeyName[512];
                DWORD dwSubKeySize = sizeof(szSubKeyName);
                ZeroMemory(szSubKeyName, dwSubKeySize);
                while (RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, dwNdx, szSubKeyName, &dwSubKeySize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                    CwclString sSubKeyStr = CwclString(szSubKeyName);
                    if (sSubKeyStr.Find(sAdr) >= 0)
                        CwclString sSubKeyPath = aRegKey + L"\\" + sSubKeyStr;
                        HKEY hSubKey;
                        dwRes = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sSubKeyPath, &hSubKey);
                        if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                            WCHAR szValue[512];
                            DWORD dwValueSize = sizeof(szValue);
                            ZeroMemory(szValue, dwValueSize);
                            dwRes = RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, L"ParentIdPrefix", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szValue, &dwValueSize);
                            if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                                CwclString sValueStr = CwclString(szValue);
                                for (INT_PTR i = 0; i < Wiis->GetCount(); i++)
                                    if (Wiis->GetItems(i).Find(sValueStr) >= 0)
                                        m_sDevicePath = Wiis->GetItems(i);

                    if (m_sDevicePath != WCL_EMPTY_STR)

                    dwSubKeySize = sizeof(szSubKeyName);
                    ZeroMemory(szSubKeyName, dwSubKeySize);


Once you get DevicePath you can use CreateFile to open HID device's handle.



09-07 16:54