本文介绍了为什么通用 ICollection 不在 .NET 4.5 中实现 IReadOnlyCollection?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 .NET 4.5/C# 5 中,IReadOnlyCollection 使用 Count 属性声明:

公共接口 IReadOnlyCollection;: IEnumerable, IEnumerable{int计数{得到;}}

我想知道,ICollection 也实现 IReadOnlyCollection 接口是否有意义:

公共接口ICollection: IEnumerable, IEnumerable, *IReadOnlyCollection*

这意味着实现 ICollection 的类会自动实现 IReadOnlyCollection.这对我来说听起来很合理.

ICollection 抽象可以看作是 IReadOnlyCollection 抽象的扩展.请注意,例如,List 实现了 ICollectionIReadOnlyCollection.





  • 一个具体的类,例如 List 实现 IReadOnlyCollection ICollection>


  • ICollection 直接实现IReadOnlyCollection


  1. 为什么IList没有实现IReadOnlyList?
  2. 为什么IDictionary没有实现IReadOnlyDictionary?

Jon 就在这里 https://stackoverflow.com/a/12622784/395144 ,你应该把他的回复标记为答案:

int ICollection.Count { ... }//编译器错误!



集合: IReadOnlyCollection列表: IReadOnlyList字典: IReadOnlyDictionary




interface INew{ T 获取();}接口IOld <T>:INew<T>{无效集(T值);新 T 获取();}老式<T>:IOld T{T IOld.Get() { 返回默认值(T);}void IOld.Set(T value) { }}

'Sample.Old' 没有实现接口成员 'Sample.INew.Get()'

In .NET 4.5 / C# 5, IReadOnlyCollection<T> is declared with a Count property:

public interface IReadOnlyCollection<out T> : IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable
    int Count { get; }

I am wondering, wouldn't it have made sense for ICollection<T> to implement the IReadOnlyCollection<T> interface as well:

public interface ICollection<T> : IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable, *IReadOnlyCollection<T>*

This would've meant that classes implementing ICollection<T> would've automatically implemented IReadOnlyCollection<T>. This sounds reasonable to me.

The ICollection<T> abstraction can be viewed as an extension of the IReadOnlyCollection<T> abstraction. Note that List<T>, for example, implements both ICollection<T> and IReadOnlyCollection<T>.

However it has not been designed that way.

What am I missing here? Why would the current implementation have been chosen instead?


I'm looking for an answer that uses Object Oriented design reasoning to explain why:

  • A concrete class such as List<T> implementing both IReadOnlyCollection<T> and ICollection<T>

is a better design than:

  • ICollection<T> implementing IReadOnlyCollection<T> directly

Also please note that this is essentially the same question as:

  1. Why doesn't IList<T> implement IReadOnlyList<T>?
  2. Why doesn't IDictionary<T> implement IReadOnlyDictionary<T>?

Jon was right here https://stackoverflow.com/a/12622784/395144 , you should mark his reply as the answer:

int ICollection<Foo>.Count { ... } // compiler error!

Since interfaces can have explicit implementations, extracting base interfaces is not backward compatible (with base classes you don't have this problem).

That's why...

Collection<T> : IReadOnlyCollection<T>
List<T> : IReadOnlyList<T>
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> : IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>

... but not their interfaces.

IMHO, they did a design error initially, quite unresolvable now (without breaking things).

EDIT: hiding doesn't help, old (explicit) implementations won't still build (without modifying the code):

interface INew<out T> { T Get(); }

interface IOld<T> : INew<T>
    void Set(T value);
    new T Get();

class Old<T> : IOld<T>
    T IOld<T>.Get() { return default(T); }
    void IOld<T>.Set(T value) { }

这篇关于为什么通用 ICollection 不在 .NET 4.5 中实现 IReadOnlyCollection?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-21 15:57