This a first time foray in PostgreSQL backups (db dumps) and I've been researching the different pgdump formats, other pgdump options, and pgdumpall. For a Postgres beginner looking at taking an hourly dump (will overwrite previous dump) of two databases that contain table triggers and two different schemas in each db, what would be the backup format and options to easily achieve the following:
- 文件大小小(每个数据库只有一个文件,或者可以选择要还原的数据库)
- 易于还原为干净文件db(具有&而没有相同的数据库名称)
- 易于在其他服务器上还原(用户可能有所不同)
- 在以下位置禁用触发恢复并在恢复后重新启用。
- Small file size (single file per db or ability to choose which db to restore)
- Easy to restore as clean db (with & without same db name[s])
- Easy to restore on different server (user maybe different)
- Triggers are disabled on restore and re-enabled after restore.
Include example commands to backup and restore.
欢迎其他有用的pgdump / pgrestore建议。
Any other helpful pgdump/pgrestore suggestions welcome.
This command will create a small dmp file which includes only structure of the dattabase - tabels, columns, triggers, views etc.. (This command will just take few minutes)
pg_dump -U "dbuser" -h "host" -p "port" -F c -b -v -f ob_`date +%Y%m%d`.dmp dbname
**ex:** pg_dump -U thames -h localhost -p 5432 -F c -b -v -f ob_`date +%Y%m%d`.dmp dbname
This command will take the backup of complete database
pg_dump -h localhost -U "dbuser" "dbname" -Fc > "pathfilename.backup"
**ex:** pg_dump -h localhost -U thames thamesdb - Fc > "thamesdb.backup"
pg_restore -i -h localhost -U "user" -d "dbname" -v "dbname.backup"
**ex:** pg_restore -i -h localhost -U thames -d thamesdb -v "thamesdb.backup"
to take backup of selected tabels(uses regular expressions) here
pg_dump -t '(A|B|C)'
for full details you can visit pgdump help page there are many options out there